Monday, November 30, 2009

it's beginning to look a lot like...

Her fabulousness herself, Tirzah Wanlass, will allow us to peek into her own house this month

CHRISTMAS!  Ahhhh... the crispness of the air, the bustling shoppers, the twinkling tiny white lights- it's enough to make even this old, embittered and too often humbugged retail crony feel festive!  Yay.  After Black Friday (or, as it is known to most boutique owners, "Friday"), and a well deserved weekend of rest, relaxation, and nearly 40lbs of left overs (don't even ask about the mashed potatoes debacle- suffice it to say, such things MUST be refrigerated!!!), I am officially ready to take on Christmas '09.  But before I traipse down that decorating path, I thought it important to note a much loved reader's recent question: where's your December/Christmas Inspiration House?  It is coming peoples, its comin!  And this time, our featured home will be even MORE especial than per ush because... eh hem... I am pleased to announce, I have berated my lovely partner in crime and sister dearest (does that hold quite as much weight when your dearest sibling also happens to be your only sibling... hmmm... whatev) into allowing us to shoot her own abode for all of you prying and nosey peeps (Ha! I keed, I keed, you know who loves ya!).  That's right Miss Gorgeous (of Filthy Gorgeous) herself will let us tour her home, all gussied up in its Holiday finest!  So, stay tuned...  and y'know Ima have a comment or two along the way, tee hee :-D 


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