Tuesday, December 1, 2009

All I want for Christmas is a set of ABS!

Methinks trainers that actually look like they are in shape themselves are just more inspiring, no?

FINALLY, he is officially here! Ladies and gents, I give you, Rance Hayes- Personal Trainer and fitness extraordinaire!!!

My name is Rance Hayes. I am a 32 year old trainer / motivator. For the past 5 years I have been the sole owner / operator of the Bay Area's best unknown mobile training business...Constant Elevation PT. I have worked with clients throughout the Bay Area (from Napa to San Jose) that range from general population clients looking to lose weight & burn body fat, to athletes and CEO's who are looking to increase their effectiveness in their respective arenas. As a functional trainer, I specialize in reconditioning people from the inside-out. I believe in the transference of energy and the proven science of exercise. My intention is to redefine the way that we percieve exercise (life) and personal trainers (preventative health care specialists). Today we are in the midst of not one, but several health epidemics...obesity, diabetes, and the number one killer of us all...heart disease. As a society we have effectively abandoned sound / tested / proven training techniques for great marketing. We have fallen in love with the illusion of monetary "wealth" and we have lost the truth that derives from true wealth (optimal health). What I provide my clients with is a clear path to discovering their own truth. For me...fitness is the foundation for everything that we do in life. When we exercise most of us aim to enhance our physical strength & increase our cardiovascular capacity. Whether you realize it or not, when you exercise you also stimulate the neurons in your brain. This means that you litterally function at a higher level when you exercise. With that said, my Elev8d training program emphasizes conscious movement. Their are six primary components in the Elev8d training program that ensure that my clients achieve their fitness goals and more importantly; learn how to yield optimal and sustainable results...Psychology, Optimal Food Intake, Proper Supplementation, Resistance Training, Cardiovascular Training, and Flexibilty. I utilize an integrated training approach that includes pilates, yoga, traditional strength training, high intensity circuit training, plyometrics, interval training and more. Not unlike Buddhism, I believe that there are many different paths to the same solution. What is most imporant is that we learn how to maximize our efforts every single time we train by using the tools that we have already been provided. We are ALL massive compilations of atoms...sources of infinite potential energy! I believe that our purpose is to learn how to harness our own infinite potential energy, so that we can function at our greatest potential and fulfill our purpose. Whether your purpose is to be a professional athlete, the next president or just to be the strongest, sexiest person around, I will provide you with all of the tools that you need to not only achieve your goals effectively, but also to become self -sufficient. Constant Elevatin: personal training for people that understand the value of optimal health.

Now ladies (aww who are we kidding,
and men for that matter!) calm down and keep it sexy; he's married. In fact he's a true family man. But not the shlubby, inner-tube waisted, soccer daddy type (not that there is ANYthing wrong with shlubby, inner-tube waisted, soccer daddy types- I mean I know and love many. You know what I say, there's a lid for every pot...), not by a mile! As you can see, Rance practices what he preaches and walks his talk, ooor something like that, whatev, you get the idea. And, now he's here to help give you some pointers on how you might be FG fantastic like him! I will, of course hit him up as often as possible and try to squeeze as many nuggets of information out of him on how to achieve buns-o-steel, washboard abs, toned and tight arms, etc etc etc- because, lets face it, as much as we may tell ourselves otherwise, nothing feels as good as when we are comfortable in our own skin. And, really, how can anyone be confortable in skin thats just too big or too small for them? So, here's to the rapidly appraoching end of 2009 and bodies that dont fit us AND... my Christmas abs, cheers!


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