Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Well tomorrow is the big day. By now, you should be done with running around like a turkey without a head, but we both know that this is really just the calm before the storm. Ha! Well, once again, I am here to help, yes ma'am! I have taken the time from my own running round to post some pics to, hopefully, stir some last bits of inspired holiday cheer. So, when your mom (or, lord help you, his mom) walks in your door and the critical quips and smirks start flying harder and faster than the cashmere sweaters this Friday morning at Nordy's, you can inhale, exhale and transport yourself to a place of Thankful tranquility and fall time bliss... ahhh, so why don't you go get your WoodWick candle (that we all have by now, right? Right!), light 'er up and cozy down into your favorite chair while we look and fanticize together (cue harp strum, now)...

Beyond the har-ruh of the Laura Ashley-esque wall paper... dont you just want to sit right on down? I do, I do!!! Chocolate velvet, tufting AND nail heads...??? >insert quivering moan sound effect here<

Ok, so, to be honest, not my cup of tea. BUT, I know how some of you (especially you Real CC County Housewives types, you know who you are) loves a country look, STILL! So, in honor of y'alls here is Thanksgiving Country done right.

You know, this is just real. But its still hot! Not like the designer sort of hot, but the real, someone lives here and when I say someone I mean a normal person who enjoys their home lives here. The table cloth adds cohension to what could otherwise be a hodge podge combination of tables and the stream line chairs are functional without adding clutter. Simple dinnerware continue the crisp look. Nice job, gold star! The resta yous, take note!

Swanky... no? I love the idea of thinking outside of the box (duh). I mean, who said that Thanksgiving HAD to be done within the confines of a particular color pallette?

SOME are lucky enough to be able to have their meal out of doors. Isn't that beautiful? Just think of the easy clean up and the saved wear and tear on your own lovely dining room!!! Sigh... Anyway, inside OR out, considering the aesthetic of your table IS as important as how and when you cook your bird. So put some effort forth, give 'em a reason to give thanks!

Remember the good old KISS system? Say it with me now, Keep It Simple Stupid! Very good, I couldnt have expressed it better if Id have set the table myself! Just wonderful, and Im not just saying that because of those lonely looking glasses of half drank wine... mmmmmm... wine.

You know, usually I just like to mock Martha (yes, I said it, MOCK MARTHA). BUT, from time to time, her talented staff acutually does pull one off right. I hear this one. I think its the black tapers... every space could use a touch of black!

Ok, so there's no Thanksgiving table here. No. What can I say? I needed something to fantasize about too!!! Its not all about you you know! Sel-fish.

Aight then, eat up, enjoy and Ill see you Friday... Happy Holiday luvies!


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