Monday, November 30, 2009

it's beginning to look a lot like...

Her fabulousness herself, Tirzah Wanlass, will allow us to peek into her own house this month

CHRISTMAS!  Ahhhh... the crispness of the air, the bustling shoppers, the twinkling tiny white lights- it's enough to make even this old, embittered and too often humbugged retail crony feel festive!  Yay.  After Black Friday (or, as it is known to most boutique owners, "Friday"), and a well deserved weekend of rest, relaxation, and nearly 40lbs of left overs (don't even ask about the mashed potatoes debacle- suffice it to say, such things MUST be refrigerated!!!), I am officially ready to take on Christmas '09.  But before I traipse down that decorating path, I thought it important to note a much loved reader's recent question: where's your December/Christmas Inspiration House?  It is coming peoples, its comin!  And this time, our featured home will be even MORE especial than per ush because... eh hem... I am pleased to announce, I have berated my lovely partner in crime and sister dearest (does that hold quite as much weight when your dearest sibling also happens to be your only sibling... hmmm... whatev) into allowing us to shoot her own abode for all of you prying and nosey peeps (Ha! I keed, I keed, you know who loves ya!).  That's right Miss Gorgeous (of Filthy Gorgeous) herself will let us tour her home, all gussied up in its Holiday finest!  So, stay tuned...  and y'know Ima have a comment or two along the way, tee hee :-D 


Friday, November 27, 2009

Half-Off Full-On Goods

Happy “Black Friday” folks. In honor of this glorious holiday, I thought I’d share a little secret with you on how to save money all year long on live entertainment. That’s right! There will be no waking up at three am, no standing in line braving the cold and no need to temporarily suspend your personal values and dignity all in the name of a five dollar blender.

Though I have several websites that I frequent when buying tickets, I stand firmly behind If you have heard of this, then you are fortunate and may now continue to roll around in the pile of fleeces you got this morning when Old Navy took a page out of The Dollar Store’s book.

Here’s what you’ll find. A full listing of all discounted tickets specific to your locale of choice. Goldstar is great at including a wide variety of events in several metropolitan hot spots. Everything from live theatre to sporting events. Discounted spa packages to unique ideas. Who knew San Francisco had an underground vampire scene, let alone a guided tour for such?

Discounts are generally half-priced. Occasionally, in order to get the word out, several comps (that’s FREE to the layperson) are offered. Much like the clearance bin at Nordy’s, you gotta pull fast and pray you come up for air with your “size” in hand. Often times, a discount becomes unavailable the day of the event. A little forethought won’t kill ya.

Membership is free though you do have to surrender your email address. Please utilize the link below to join. By referring friends to Goldstar, you receive a one dollar credit to you account. “Hello, my name is selfish and I am addicted to cheap!”

Get crackin’! Once you are logged in, you will be able to generate a list of events that you would like to see. That way the next time a Friday night rolls around and you and yours can't quite find anything to do, you’ll need only to revisit said list in hopes of finding something mutual.

Your life-altering link…

Happy discounting!


Thursday, November 26, 2009

The day after.

It really is cruel, unfair and just plain wrong that the best shopping day of the year begins only hours after we have all ingested our weight in excessively rich foods. BUT, it is what it is. Wake up, get outa bed and go get those deals. Then, when you've exhausted your thirst for ridiculous sales and insane retail demands, come to my store and snap up some real treasures. Hee hee...!


Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Well tomorrow is the big day. By now, you should be done with running around like a turkey without a head, but we both know that this is really just the calm before the storm. Ha! Well, once again, I am here to help, yes ma'am! I have taken the time from my own running round to post some pics to, hopefully, stir some last bits of inspired holiday cheer. So, when your mom (or, lord help you, his mom) walks in your door and the critical quips and smirks start flying harder and faster than the cashmere sweaters this Friday morning at Nordy's, you can inhale, exhale and transport yourself to a place of Thankful tranquility and fall time bliss... ahhh, so why don't you go get your WoodWick candle (that we all have by now, right? Right!), light 'er up and cozy down into your favorite chair while we look and fanticize together (cue harp strum, now)...

Beyond the har-ruh of the Laura Ashley-esque wall paper... dont you just want to sit right on down? I do, I do!!! Chocolate velvet, tufting AND nail heads...??? >insert quivering moan sound effect here<

Ok, so, to be honest, not my cup of tea. BUT, I know how some of you (especially you Real CC County Housewives types, you know who you are) loves a country look, STILL! So, in honor of y'alls here is Thanksgiving Country done right.

You know, this is just real. But its still hot! Not like the designer sort of hot, but the real, someone lives here and when I say someone I mean a normal person who enjoys their home lives here. The table cloth adds cohension to what could otherwise be a hodge podge combination of tables and the stream line chairs are functional without adding clutter. Simple dinnerware continue the crisp look. Nice job, gold star! The resta yous, take note!

Swanky... no? I love the idea of thinking outside of the box (duh). I mean, who said that Thanksgiving HAD to be done within the confines of a particular color pallette?

SOME are lucky enough to be able to have their meal out of doors. Isn't that beautiful? Just think of the easy clean up and the saved wear and tear on your own lovely dining room!!! Sigh... Anyway, inside OR out, considering the aesthetic of your table IS as important as how and when you cook your bird. So put some effort forth, give 'em a reason to give thanks!

Remember the good old KISS system? Say it with me now, Keep It Simple Stupid! Very good, I couldnt have expressed it better if Id have set the table myself! Just wonderful, and Im not just saying that because of those lonely looking glasses of half drank wine... mmmmmm... wine.

You know, usually I just like to mock Martha (yes, I said it, MOCK MARTHA). BUT, from time to time, her talented staff acutually does pull one off right. I hear this one. I think its the black tapers... every space could use a touch of black!

Ok, so there's no Thanksgiving table here. No. What can I say? I needed something to fantasize about too!!! Its not all about you you know! Sel-fish.

Aight then, eat up, enjoy and Ill see you Friday... Happy Holiday luvies!


Monday, November 23, 2009

Mmm stuffing...

So the big day of cooking is here.... and although I would love to tell you about my family's entire menu for the day, I don't think we have the time! But what I will tell you is the delicious stuffing recipe my sister made up. Here it is!

Cornbread and Sausage Stuffing


  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 2 onions, chopped
  • 6 large cornmeal muffins, cubed
  • Handful fresh sage leaves, chopped
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup pork sausage
  • 1/4 cup heavy cream
  • 1/4 cup chicken stock
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.

Melt the butter in a medium skillet over medium heat. Add the onions and sausage, cook, stirring, for about 10 minutes, or until it becomes soft and caramelized.

Add the sage and then put it all into a large mixing bowl. Add the cornbread pieces, pre-seasoned with salt and pepper, and fold it all together until it's well combined.

In a separate bowl, whisk together the egg, cream, and stock, and pour it all over the cornbread. Stir the stuffing together.

You can either stuff the stuffing into the turkey, or you could also spoon it into a buttered baking dish and put it in the oven with the turkey. We usually cook it by itself but it's up to you!

Bake until hot and crusty on top, about 30 minutes.

- G

Photo from: Thanksgiving Postcards

Saul's Deli

If you like traditional Jewish food (I know I do) then you should take a trip over to Berkeley for a bite to eat at Saul's Restaurant and Delicatessen. The place is decorated in a retro fashion but still manages to feel clean and modern.

We had our hearts set on potato latkes so we ordered them right away. They tasted fresh and hot, just the way they should.

The lighting was bad...sorry!

To accompany our latkes we ordered the special drink of the day- mandarin soda. The juice was freshly squeezed into the soda, and boy could you tell. They were great!

The comfortable setting and friendly staff made this a very enjoyable dining experience. I will definitely be going back!

- G

Mommy, I see icicles.

You know I will never give this branch up!  I will dress it up for every occasion including my own funeral and even then, dress it in black lace and take it with me!  But seriously, use icicles in applications beyond the Christmas Tree.  BUT use them sparingly and realistically and in varying sizes.  

When I was a little designer-to-be, I LOVED to decorate my mom's tree every Christmas. And when I say, I loved to decorate it, I mean just that, me loved it.  No, I most certainly did not let my sisters help (although they inevitably managed to get one or two things hung here and there which I would, inevitably, have to re-place to the back side of the tree where only those entering the room through the wall itself would be able to appreciate their ornament selections) I did it for everyone else, what can I say, Im a giver.  In aaaany event, my absolute favorite ornaments were the glass icicles that she, through some miracle, had.  Maybe it was the way that they sparkled as the tree lights reflected off of them (lord knows I loves a sparkly), or perhaps it was the fact that in comparison to the remaining gawd-awful assortment of paper-mache santa heads, fabric covered styrofoam balls and ornaments sent as "thank you's" for pledging $20 to Pat Robertson and his 700 club, OR maybe it was that she just had tons of them (and we all know how much I favor aesthetic statement through a collection) whatever the reason, the simplistic icicle just seemed... right.  I would cover the tree with them.  All right I MAY have gone over board (MAY have).  But, I couldn't help m'self!  Fast forward to, umm, now and let me tell you why you need to know about icicles.  Gurl, they are cheap!  And not that you are concerned by the trivialities of money, but who doesn't love a bargain?!?!?  So, for the bargain shopper in alla you... I give... the icicle!  


Friday, November 20, 2009

And, by the by-

Please don't email me to inform me that this pic is blurry, I told you Im not a photographer!  Sheesh!

So, just a quick note to tell you all that Christmas has officially come to FILTHY GORGEOUS.  I cant hold it forever (in fact, I cant hold it forever), so get in here and get yours today!  

Oh, and thanks for the approving post Trace-face!  I told you so!  Luvs,


I tried...

Ok, so after I read Jonathan's post about the WoodWick candles, I had to go buy one!  I bought, burned and now Im blogging because I really LOVED IT!  In fact I can sum up my experience in 2 words: comfort and joy!  They are wonderful!  The scent will permeate your whole house in a matter of minutes with the most comforting aroma.  My fave, Biscotti, is like eating some delicious baked treat but without a single calorie!  Buy them for gifts... they're only $19.95, BUT make sure you buy one for yourself.  You WILL be sorry if you don't!  


Filthy Gorgeous Feather Trees

Trees done right!  Gold tinsel feather tree with flicker lights and vintage jewel tone ornaments; Silver glitter paper feather tree, with vintage pastel ornaments; White beaded feather tree with vintage primary colored ornaments (l-r & top-bottom).   

I was putting together Christmas visuals (over the past few days- yes before Christmas!  Im in retail man!  What do you want from me!) and was struck by the number of comments that our Feather trees were receiving!  I mean, yes, they are beautiful.  But more than that, they are SO easy to reproduce!  SO easy.  And, for the Tracys of the world, I thought to m'self, I says, 'self, what better holiday gift might I offer than a gift of affordable, and practical beauty?  Let me teach them the basics of the Filthy Gorgeous Feather Tree.'  So, here you are, Happy Holidays and all that jazz.  

1.  For those of you who are more, oh what's the word, hmmm... uh, we'll just say, tight with the wallet and therefore not 'able' to go down to the Store and buy a feather tree, you need to first find yourself a base.  Im suggest taking your happy hips out to the back yard and finding a sturdy YET SPARSE branch (approx. 36" long) and removing all of its remaining foliage.  The rest of you, run down to FG and pick up one of the ones Im selling for way less than I should be!

2.  Spray your bare branch with either silver or gold or opalescent glitter (add a dusting of loose glitter to wet spray for added effect) OR spray snow (yes, they have that now).  When dry, insert into a tall vase to secure an upright position.  The rest of you, insert your newly purchased feather tree into its stand.

*you may, at this point add lights if you desire to.  I recommend adding lights only to heavier tree versions as the electric cord can overpower a thinner branched type- but I can only offer you my recommendation ... and sigh.

3.  Select an assortment of ornaments to hang.  This is important, because without a varied assortment of decorations, your tree will look like one of those bad, assembly line, department store trees (you know, like the ones behind the makeup counters) with a bad case of Alopecia. And, assortment refers to the style/patern/texture of the pieces.  I do suggest keeping color ways similar (pastels, primary, etc).  

4.  RANDOMLY begin to hang your ornaments allowing the disbursement to take on its own shape organically.  However, you may favor placing heavier pieces towards the lower portions of the tree.   

5.  If ribbon or garland is needed, adhering to a similar logic for density as you did when hanging ornaments, add now.  

THATS IT!  Donchu just loves it?!!???  Enjoy!


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

You're going to have your own voice here on The FG Life!

This itty bitty widdle pic is Tracy's lame attempt to distract us from the fact that she hasn't
yet provided us with her profile pic... rest assured Trace, WE WILL POST YOUR FACE!!!

Now hold on, hold up, let me explain! Beyond the comments and emails (BTW, thank you for each and every precious little one of them), we, your loyal and supremely stylish lifestyle gurus here at The FG Life, have invited a fantastic little lady to join the team. Tracy K. will be our Filthy Gorgeous viewer's voice. She will provide actual reader feedback and post her honest commentary on the advice and recommendations that we offer. She will critique and review US- imagine! How dare she! Just kidding, just kidding, actually THAT will be her job. She will keep it real and keep us honest. She will tell you what, of what we say, actually works and why. She will point our our mistakes (cuz Lord knows we cant get enough of that from y'all!) AND she will offer her own perspective on all kinda stuff you gots to know! She will ALSO offer you great, real time, tips and suggestions for pinching pennies in ways other than from the various budgets that you SHOULD keep intact (ie: fashion, home, entertainment, etc) EVEN when the economy slows. I wont even tell you what she was telling me about just today (home made soup for 4 for less than $2.00!!! Guuuurl, sign me UP!). Aaaaanywho, all in all, you're gonna love her because we love her... but not more than you love me, cuz that'd just be silly! And kisses and hugs and kisses and hugs...


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Glitz, Glam and GLITTA!!!

Some examples of glitter done right- Cardboard houses in tonally applied glitz and bottle brush trees lightly sprinkled with opalescent glam! Git it!

Sparkle, sparkle, sparkle! Shine, shine, shine! Glitz, Glamor, and Glitta! Really, need I say any more? No ma'am! Alright already, relax, I will explain!

After an extensive conversation this afternoon (with a dear friend), I became aware that perhaps I have not been completely fair with my, uh, shoe-string-budget-know-how. To be precise, she said,

"I LOVE all of the things that you list and feel like I must have the must haves, but with J__ (insert adoring but frugal husband's name here) watching every penny lately, I just cant keep up with all of the things that I want AND manage to find the extra coin to meet my holiday demands! So Jonathan, quit being a stingy b____ (insert lovingly selected superlative here) and tell me what I can do with what I already have to make it feel new!"

When tone on tone glitter isn't an option, go for a snowed on look. SNOWED on, not stuck in a blizzard!

Well! And, Guuuurl! I mean, what do you want from me?!?!? Not even Martha can do Martha all of the time, or at least that's what I tell myself to feel a little better. Anyway, point IS that there are a few things that you can do to spruce up the more senior members of your home's holiday ensemble. And, the first one that Im going to reccomend is to run (run, not walk, burn an extra calorie, trust me you'll thank me come Thanksgiving dinner time) to Michaels or Joannes or whatever craft barn you frequent- and you may want to note this as it will be one of the VERY few times I will suggest that you actually patronize such places- and gich'yerself a bottle of glitter. Now, dont go hog wild. Dont even. Dont! Pick a bottle of green, red, gold and white/opal. And, Im going to reccommend the chunky kind. You know, the sort that they use in kindergarten classes everywhere? Thats the one. Buy a bottle of spray adhesive and regular old Elmers all purpose craft glue and bring 'em home. Now pull out your Christmas/Holiday decor and lets get to fabulizing! The trick to glittering correctly is three fold: knowing what to glitter, how much to glitter and when to stop. To know what to glitter look for old more tattered pieces (cardboard houses, natural elements like collected pine cones, or paint chipped ball ornaments) and glitter in a tone on tone pattern. The reason for sticking with the older, more time worn pieces is that they will benefit form the contrast of the sparkle of the glitter where newer Hallmark collectible type ornaments will end up looking just plain rediculous. To know how much to glitter, keep 2 things in mind. First, a little goes a long way and a lot can do a lot. So, decide if you want a softer impact or more of a punch and then go either direction completely. Keep the glitter (either heavy or light but) evenly distributed about the piece. And finally, to know when to stop, after aplying your first 'coat' step away from the project and do something else. If after you come back, mind cleared of the mesmerizing effects that applying glitter can often have on a fan of the pizzazzy, you feel like it still is not enough AND you had already commited to a heavy look, then by all means go for more. BUT, if you're just adding because it already looks pretty and more could only make it even more pretty, put the bottle down, step away from the table and take a cold shower- TRUST AND BELIEVE you will thank me next year! Without a doubt the added shimmer will add a ton of life and vibrance to what might otherwise feel like a Holiday with as little excitement as the latest news feed regarding our contry's economic state! So, have some fun being creative and keep in mind, that I am not, not, giving you liscense to glitter your entire space. To much of a good thing, might be just that... then again, naaaa!


Monday, November 16, 2009

The Artful Precious

Something happened to me this week at the movie theatre. Something that in this world of commercialism and instant gratification is seldom accomplished. I was moved, inspired and left to dry a train of tears with the sleeve of my hoody.

"Precious: Based on the Novel "Push" by Sapphire" is a gut wrenching coming of age story about personal triumph in an unimaginable set of circumstances. Set in Harlem in 1987, we meet an obese, pregnant and abused, illiterate African-American teenager named Clareece "Precious" Jones with dreams as big as your's and mine.

Gabourey "Gabby" Sidibe's portrayal of Precious is flawless. Mo'Nique poses a undeniable threat for the Oscar as Mary Jones, Precious' physically and mentally abusive mother. Lee Daniels' stunning direction seamlessly mends the harsh reality and fantasy world of these deeply complex characters. The ensemble cast members each contribute something memorable with notable performance by Sherri Shepard, Lenny Kravitz and none other than Mariah Carey.

Novelist, Sapphire, held on to her story since its publishing in 1996 out of fear that in the wrong hands, Precious would be boxed in. The right adaptation would allow one to experience the pain of Precious but not leave her shamed. After initially telling director Lee Daniels no, it was not until she saw the film "Monster's Ball" which Daniels produced that she felt she had found the right hands. I am sure co-producers Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry helped to ease this decision.

Be advised that this movie contains REAL language and strong imagines of physical and sexual abuse. Admittedly, there were moments I had to cover my eyes. All in all, a remarkable depiction of a journey that induces empathy and warrants a reevaluation of priorities and individual accomplishments.
Official Website:

Thank you Precious.


Do I deliver, or what!

Alright, you may love me now.  As I promised I would, I scoured high and low in search of a fantastic Holiday hostess gift and not only found a gift, BUT I also found a must have for your own space!  Thats right, I found 2 (!!!) grrrreat tid bits that you must run out right this very second and snatch up.  What is it (for those of you who need a little help beyond the giynormous pics posted here)- well, I thought long and hard about what is both useful (as hopefully none of us need to review the whole chotchkie lesson) AND a brilliant decorative element.  I wanted something that is gender-indiscriminate and ageless.  I wanted it to transcend the stylistic border lines.  I wanted it to be deliciously unique.  And, of course (a nod to the more fiscally responsible of you out there, but seriously is being fiscally responsible any fun?) I wanted it to be, uh, well, cheap- does that word sting as much to hear as it does to actually say?  Whatev.  And, ladies and gentlemens, this is what I got!  CANDLES, CANDLES, CANDLES!  No not your run of the mill, I picked it up with a new pair of gym shorts and a box of q-tips whilst I was running through Target (pronounced tar-shje, if your gonna shop there, lets try to class up the experience ok?).  Not the candy coated, makes you nauseous from the chemicals that it saturates your space in, a la Glade (pronounced glah-day, or so we're told by the ads).  No, I got you something special!  Take a look see and love 'em for yourself...

Gee maw, them thar cadndles got wangs!  Yes Virginia, that is a winged candle.  Every time a bell rings, a candle gets its wings... lord, I could go on and on... AND ON! But, fear not, Ima spare you. Anywho, how friggin adorable are these?!?!?!  Cant make them out?  Allow me, these lil'babies are hand cute and pressed, galvanized angel wings.  They have small spike-like stems that easily press into the sides of any wax candles!  And voila...! Instant candle angel!  Then when the candle burns us, you can reuse them 
in another candle... OR, dare I?  Yes, I think I will, you can even 

reuse them in other ways throughout your space!  Lying side by side atop the open pages of a fabulous old book on your coffee table, fixed above one of your favorite pictures on the wall, mixed into other elements 'neath the spotlight of a dome/cloche... and on and on and on, again, someone stop me!  Ok, but seriously, the best part is that after you take your self to (GULP) IKEA and run through the aisles past all of the deceivingly priced, seemingly great buys (that's a post for another day) to the .99 cent plain pillar candles, pick one thats not dented up and buy it, then for another $8.00 and the effort to push the wings into place, you have great centerpiece, host(ess) gift, table top accent!  What more could you ask for Virginia?!?!?

WoodWick Candles are going to be you new BFF.  I love these little guys, and not just because the Biscotti smells so much like a baked good that I find myself wondering what it would taste like if I just took a lick, but because they are an evolution from the ordinary candle.  Granted the aesthetic appeal may be a bit lacking, but TURST, on every single other level, you will heart this bad boy!  Especially people like me, who wish that we had a fireplace to cozy up next to but, alas, don't- thanks to their wooden wick, THEY CRACKLE AND POP LIKE A MINI-FIREPLACE!!!  Also, did I mention the scents are to die for?  TO DIE FOR- Biscotti, Cider, Cinnamon Chai, etc... Delish!  Finally, yes they too are, uh hem, affordable!  100 hours of burn time and only $19.95!!!  Now thats a holiday deal worth giving thanks for, ha!

You are welcome and so on and so forth, 


Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Wild Child Has Arrived

Let me just say that I am beyond thrilled to be joining the Filthy Gorgeous Team as the Arts and Entertainment Stylist. I have a very vague concept of what that is at this point in our relationship but HEAR THIS... I have seen it. I have heard it. I have been there and lord knows I have tried it.

Ask! Nothing thrills me more than sharing my thoughts on the many glorious pieces of art I have been fortunate enough to witness. Art comes in all varieties and is all around us. There will never be enough time to experience it all. Let me be your guide.

Life is short and time sure does fly by. The value of time is the memories we make and hold close. We should all vow to make the most of our time on this planet and to challenge our mind, bodies and souls. You are the star of your own life story. Fill it with family, friends and above all else, FUN!

Stay blessed.


Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Drinkable Pumpkin Pie Perfection... mmmmm!

You know we're a coffee nation when Starbucks becomes a part of the holidays. From eggnog to peppermint to gingerbread lattes, their drinks have become an anticipated treat for the fall and winter seasons. My favorite drink they offer this time of year is the pumpkin spice latte. The classic pumpkin flavor mixed with a topping of whipped cream creates a drinkable pumpkin pie. Perfection!

Everyday things like grabbing a cup of coffee should be well...filthy gorgeous! So don't forget to turn on music to set the mood for this wonderful time of year. My favorite music for taking it all in would be the Robert Plant and Alison Krauss collaboration on Raising Sand or the soothing Iron and Wine.

- G

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Trench.

I forgot about how much I love my trench coat, until I took a look at the Burberry Art of the Trench photos. Art of the Trench is a project from Burberry where people from around the world submit photos of themselves in a trench coat. I loved seeing how people styled their coats.

My trench is a vintage piece, I picked it up at a thrift shop. It was the best 89 cents I ever spent (yes, 0.89 cents!). After I had it tailored and cleaned it took on a new life. It instantly became my new best friend. I always feel so chic when Im wearing mine, especially when Ive tied the belt and am wearing big sunglasses!

The trench is a great foundation piece. If you don't have one, shame on you! It looks good over everything and great for many occasions. I prefer the classic khaki, but if you're daring go for a colored trench. Take a look at the Burberry site for inspiration.


Im on the case!

So although I have already given you a list of fine host(ess) gifts for this Holiday season, I have STILL received emails from some of you who aren't satisfied.  Le sigh.  What more do you want?!?!?  BUT, I hear you and am on it!  This weekend Im making it my mission to find and then of course on Monday I will share with you my best host(ess) gift ever!!!  You've given me the challenge and I WILL NOT DISAPPOINT!!  Damn Im good.  


Guess whose jumping on the band wagon?!?!?!

Well we all enjoy a song and dance man, right?!?!  Yes, we do.  Now hold onto your socks because what Im about to share with you might just knock them off.  In the coming days, The FG Life will become the new home of the rants and raves of The Bay Area's own darling of the stage, Seth Michael.  Wooo Hooo!!!  Yay  :)  SM will be gracing us with his advice, recommendations, reviews, and whatever else he can squeeze out (does that sound gross?  Huh... oh wells)  to help get you in the know with regards to all things art and entertainment.  And trust(!!!) we are lucky to have him, because if you asked me, Id of had you all running out to buy tickets for Saw VI!  Oh thank the lord that Seth is here!


Thursday, November 12, 2009



How do you chotchkie?

Chotchkies of purpose... turkey candles, and turkey taper holders... if you must chotchkie, chotchkie with purpose!

Let me begin my saying that I don't even know if that's how you spell the word! And, that's for those of you who are checking my spelling- yes, I actually DO read your emails- even the ridiculously critical ones, thanxxxx!). Aaaanywho, who cares about the spelling? The meaning, as defined by, is : "a small piece of worthless crap, a decorative knick knack with little or no purpose." They go on to explain that, "Chotchkie can be pretty, sentimental or even occasionally useful though it usually breaks easily if useful. If you are having trouble identifying Chotchkie just look around your house or someone else's and whatever you see that a burgler wouldn't steal is probably Chotchkie." HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't have said it better myself!!!!!!!!!!! Fewh(!!!) wait a minute while I wipe that tear from the corner of my eye from laughing so hard! Lawd! Ok, brutally honest definition aside, the fact remains that none of us are immune to the occasional necessity of incorporating Chotchkie into our own creative canvas. Those of you who are parents can, Im sure, identify with my many clients who have at least one shelf of... ill-formed animals painted in hideously muddled color combinations that NEVER match the pallette of your home, forget about just looking anything like the animal (or God forbid, person!) that they supposedly are!... er, I mean cute little ceramic creations made by your precious little darling in art class (is it obvious that I dont have my own little Jonny running round my house?). And, ESPECIALLY this time of year, it seems the Chotchkies of the world multiply like cockroaches! So, what to do- becaue I would never suggest eliminating some of those tiny treasures, no never! Well, actually, thats exactly what Im going to do. I know this may be painful, but just as you put away your favorite sweater or shirt from time to time (or I hope you do at least, otherwise... that's just gross), YOU CAN ROTATE your collection of cra... I mean your Chotchkies! As new ones arrive, Im going to suggest that, the older ones take a rest and share the spotlight a bit. In addition, Im going to sugges that you be honest and impartial when selecting Chotchkies as gifts for friends. I mean really, as cute as their little alien looking faces may be, are you really doing your best gurl a favor by buying her another Precious Moments figurine (what is my obsession with those things?!?!?!)? No, you're not! If you MUST purchase Chotchkies as gifts, walk past the Hallmark (Im so going to get sued)- WALK ON SISTER, WALK ON M'BROTHA, WALK ON! Lean towards those pieces that have a function. If the Turkey has to wear pilgrim garb, let him be a candle (and LIGHT HIM UP). If he has to be on your table let him hold a taper and add something to the table beyond, uh, cuteness. Remind yourself, 'if the only thing I have to say about this gift is, isn't it cute, it's just not enough!' Finally, when displaying Chotchkie, do so in conservative groupings. Nothings worse than a home peppered with small surprises of cutenesses on every table top, shelf, appliance top, etc etc etc. But do note, the key word there was CONSERVATIVE. Do you still love me now, uh couse y'do!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My NEW most favoritest things...

Where oh where to begin...? Well I contemplated doing this whole Thanksgiving montage of Turkey day- themed goo-gas, buuuuuut then we both woke up from that nightmare! So, this grouping is, of course, so very loverly! I just know you're going to want them as badly as I did. Now Ive gone a step further, because that's just the sort of friend I am (you can thank me now), and divided this list of fantastic finds into things that so great and you absolutely must have or you'll just die, AND things that are so great and you absolutely will be your hosts new best friend if you bring and give to him/her as a host(ess) gift! Woo hoo! Speaking of new best friends, aren't I just the best best friend to you ever (the answer is, yes)!!??!!??!!??!!??


Now, you all know how I loves a mirror! BUT, fer real, this is a fantastic item for you to purchase for yourself or someone else. Vintage or antique mirrors like these are perfect for collecting and look great in groups on a wall or on a table top or on your ceiling- er, I mean in ANY room or space in your home. And, smaller pieces, again like these shown here, are affordable and great for gifting... L-l-l-l-love thems =)

Aaaaand who doesn't LOVE mermaids (put your hands down, it was a rhetorical question)?!?! Well THIS one is not just beautiful, she is practical too! Shes more than just a pretty face and fish scales! Her curled tail is actually a bottle opener! Yes ma'am! Work it gurl! Can you say, hostless gift?

Glitz, glitter and glam- that's what little stylistas are made of, ha! Really though, how just pretty is this. A bejewled, vintaged wall hook? BRILLIANT! Its almost too pretty to hang a coat on... actually, thats it! Why not use it to hang something else on, duh! Anywho, perect gift (single or in multiples) for the more sparkly host(ess) that you know!

Coasters that are actually gorgeous! Who woulda thunk it? Well, these goodies come in a variety of other colors and styles (these 4 are just a sampling) and actually wont visually ruin whatever table top/surface they are used with! Again, a PERFECT hosetest gift!

Ok, so clearly not a hostest gift. But I just got these (I have a pair AND matching ottomans) and HAD to share them with you. Their upholstered in a poder blue with ebony finished, bowed legs. They are compact, down filled and fabulous! I love that they are a contemporay take on an old classic, good for nearly any grouping!

I am bound and determined to make you a lover of this stuff too! I know that some of you may still not be there, but just LOOK at her! How can you not see, appreciate and want to take that peacefulness in her eyes home with you??? Anyway, she's one of my latest Madona finds and you should make her one of yours!

Oye! Again with the mirras! Yes, and they are NEVER not going to be something that you're space couldn't benefit from, so get used to it. This slightly larger mirror is just beyond the range of realistic hostest gifts, but for those of you who understand the wonderfulness of collecting small looking glasses would appreciate this as a special little treat for yourself. And this one wont even show up on your thighs! Holla!

This is a European antique farm sign, thats just happens to be shield or coat of arms shaped. Need I say more? My name is not Erby or anything close, but I would love to hang this on my farm! When I get one I mean, ha! ;-P

Photography aside this is a pic of these super way cool mirrored candle sconces. They have these really great bubbles not etched but carved into their surfaces. Anyway, love 'em, get 'em hang 'em up and call it a day!

So, for now, thats it. Though Im always on the look out, as of 11/11/09, this concludes the list of the absolute without a doubt latest must have and best holiday host(ess) gifts ever! Kisses and hugs and kisses and (too much? whatev!)
