Thursday, December 3, 2009

Bing bling-a-ling

I feel like some annoying Avon lady (not that Avon ladies are the only annoying people or even annoying for that matter, I mean I could have selected from a plethora of other favorites- telemarketers, the people from AT&T who call me like 6 thousand times a week to 'update' my listing information, door to door Mormon missionaries or Jehovah witnesses, those unfortunately unfortunate kids that get dropped off in downtown Walnut Creek and try to sell you things that you neither need or want but you have to give them something because you feel so guilty, the man on the corner who is wheel chair bound but manages to peddle his home made soaps in the freezing cold, or the never ending stream of soccer moms who've never even made a single purchase in my shop but manage to find me when they want a donation for their child's school's Holiday auction, the meter maid that always seems to be around when YOUR meter runs out- ALL of which are wonderful people, IM SURE OF IT, but just seem to bug you like a mosquito buzzing round your ear. Woooooh- hello tangent! Aaanywho, ) but I cant help myself. When I know of something good that is bound to enrich your life exponentially, I gots t'share! Luck you, I know I know. I've said it before, Ima giver (as evidenced by the mound of 'homemade soap' in my shower that is the size of a full grown hobbit). So, in that same spirit of giving and sharing and holiday goody goodness, here is yet another speciality that you just NEED!

I hope Im not stepping on any toes here (Michael, I know this is your area of expertise, but Im sure you'll support this). But, what you now need is your very own collection of John Wind bling bling to spice up your holiday, winter and every other type of wardrobe you got. Vintage inspired, classically stylish, not from Claires or Hot Topic, and NOT untouchably priced. Most of you know it, most of you have already bought a piece or two, and for those that haven't, you're really missing out. Price points under $20. makes for great gifts or mid-shopping-day-pick-me-ups, ha! Alright, Im done, you may close the door in my face now.


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