freshly baked cupcakes with unicorn shaped sprinkles and rainbow frosting! Well actually... not quite. BUT it
does make me feel JUST as happy! It is coming along swimmingly! Fer REALZ! As we have already discussed, the paint (though not my original concept) is totes fantastic. It's really kinda pathetic that I'm as into it as I am. I mean, I was sitting on the couch in the living room (from where you can see into my bedroom... wha-what do you mean? Ugh! YES, my house
is actually THAT small! RUDE.) with JD and we were watching the Oscars and right when the first female to ever win a Best Director Oscar in history won, I piped up with, 'look at how fantastic the color in my room looks in this particular light!!!'. It's all about recognizing the important things, right? Aaaanywho, point being after much trial and error and even though it was not the initial vision for the space, it has grown on me and I have come to love the taupey-grayness of my bedroom. Now, while I have turned my attention to the window coverings, truth be told, I got a bit side tracked this week (I know! SHOCKING, right?!?!?). Since Im so excited, Ima just tell you, I found m'bed! It is ('
is' because I already bought it, what can I say, y'snooze y'loose.) an antique Louis XV style
lit (mm hmm that's french-ish for 'bed'). And let me just say, j'adore! Now no, it is not anything that I would have expected or previously contemplated buying. It is a darker finish, it is not very worn looking, it is smooth, it's a bit more classic than my usual, er... repertoire (dang! Im a regular Gilles Marini with all the bi-lingual-isms today!) but for the following reasons, I fell in love, had to have, and now, own it:
This is her... sigh... eyelashes batting... isn't she dreamy?#un (what the heck, lets keep the french-iosity going!): The space is SO VERY small that I needed to select a primary focal point as my solo-statement piece. While a larger space will allow for more points of interest, less voluminous rooms lend themselves better to one primary point of interest- a more contemporary style may have simply 'faded away', especially when integrated with the other more contemporary accents that I already have.
#deux: It is, quite simply, a BEEUTIFUL piece. This particular bed is super-curvy. Its lines are a bit more exaggerated than the usual Lou XV bed. So, for me, it was particularly appealing (I guess being more or a rail-built guy, I was attracted to alla her curves! HA!!!!).
#trois: I found it in an auction and could not beat the price! No literally, I got it for a steal! And when you find great pieces at great prices, you don't sit back, rethink, ask a friend, revisit, pop some jiffy pop, plow the field, measure your space then remeasure, pray for divine guidance, haggle some more... NO! YOU BUY THEM AND ARE THANKFUL THAT YOU WERE FORTUNATE ENOUGH TO HAVE FOUND THEM!
Geta load of those gams! Ha cha cha- 4 of 'em and yes, they go all the way up!Now, fantastic find that it is, it DOES present me with some challenges. For example, it is an antique and as such it may not accommodate a modern standard size mattress. Or, it may need some touching up (and actually, thanks to the gentle touch of my friends at Central Freight Lines, it now requires more than just minor repair work) since it is not necessarily a 'weathered' style, it needs to be maintained more than another, more time-worn antique would. But, in the long run, what I have bought is an investment piece that will stay with me for years (if not forever, passing down to future generation J's)- not some mass produced, big-box corporate crud that will inevitably fall apart when the glue holding together its press-board base wears off (did that sound hateful, oooo, such an ugly color on me, c'est la vie, ha!)! So even with its issues, this is a piece that, I'm sure was a great purchase and I am SO excited to see it incorporated into my new bedroom mix! Now... what about bedding...?
This is her crown... fit for a queen... er... I mean... ha!But wait a second! Before the bedding, what about the windows!!! No, no. Fear not. I did not forget about the windows all together. I just got momentarily distracted, remember? The windows, I have decided will be flanked with simple, straight, floor to ceiling panels. I will use a simple rod that will not be tipped with a finial but will, instead, turn back in towards the wall and simply end (relax, Ill show you a pic of what I mean as soon as I get it hung up). For now though, the important piece will be selecting the right fabric/color (Oh lord! Here we go again with the color game!) for the panels themselves. And
that, will be the project for the coming weeks. Should they be dark (Im even considering charcoals or black. I know, I know, so bold!), or light, heavy or sheer...? It's all so exciting, right? Ok perhaps not as exciting as the impending start of the new season of Glee, but exciting all the same. So, keep it locked- and Ill keep you posted. Holler acha boy!