This week has been sheer insanity. From homework and midterms (already?!?!), to moving, to finding and securing a new gym membership, to booking cable installation, to coordinating mattress delivery, to other, sundry personal melodramas- selecting a color and getting my new room painted unfortunately fell to the bottom of my priority list. Guuuuurl let me tell you WHAT A MISTAKE THAT WAS! Suffices to say, so far I have spent nearly 5 days and $500. painting and repainting a space that's only about 80 square feet (and yes, that DOES include the closet space!!!!!!!!!!!!!)!!!!! Now, beyond the fact that being a designer these sorts of things are not supposed to happen to me, here's what makes the situation even MORE appalling- do you know that it is STILL not the right color?!?!?! UUUGGGHHH! And, I wish I could tell you that I was so good as to plan to repaint (yet again) to get that right shade of silvery-gray which I so particularly wanted- but I'ma just level with you, tell the truth and shame the devil. My friend, it is a beautiful shade of taupey-gray and that is exactly what it is going to stay~ HA! Now don't take advantage and follow my very poor example. Just because Jonathan did it does not mean that you may do it. No ma'am. Didn't you mother raise you better than that? Come on now, do as I say not as I do, right? Just listen; the reason I am stopping where I am and accepting the color as is, is that it is a fantastic color and will work for what I have planned, it's just not the color that I originally saw in my mind's eye (aaaaand, I'm so over coordinating my day round being home to let the painter in, or looking at more color chips, or my clothes smelling like wet paint. And.... yes, I am slightly embarrassed that the 'paint-girl' at the paint store knows me by name already; actually, we have plans to hang out and watch old Sex In The City DVDs together, but that'll be another post all together!). The reason I am sharing this most unfortunate and perhaps even a tad-bit professionally humbling experience is two fold. Numero 1) Even great designers make mistakes- what separates the best from the rest is their ability to work around the obstacles. 2) And this is the important one- color selection is not easy, it is as much an art as a science and as such requires time attention and careful consideration. If you don't know what you are doing, are unsure of what you want or a selection that you've made, cant afford to re-paint or fix possible mistakes, or don't have the time to invest into carefully considering and choosing wisely, TAKE MY ADVICE AND STOP WHERE YOU ARE, FIND AND CONSULT WITH AN EXPERT. Though even an expert can make a mistake (see Numero1, above) the combination of your thoughts and feelings with those of an expert drastically reduces the potential for mishap. You are only saving yourself wasted everything (including satisfaction)! So, now that you know what color my love-den (eeew, I even feel creepy seeing those words together) is (a rich taupey-gray with white trim work) let's begin to think about whats next. Ok, who am I kidding, let me tell you what's next, ha! Next, dear one, is window dressing... ooooo!
PS: Someone JUST told me that there is a pretty great article on HGTV.com related to this right now... seriously they are always on m'tail! Anyway, check it out, holla!
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