From consistently choosing
and painting the wrong paint color, to having THE hardest time finding a simple black curtain panel that I finally had to just have some custom made, to ordering a back-ordered light fixture, to (most recently) finding that, after all of the time, money and emotion that I've invested into making my beloved antique bed work, the new Tempurpedic mattress and box spring which I JUST bought for it will not fit into it, I had pretty much had it! I mean, fer realz, HAD IT! Had it, to the point of not wanting to continue. Had it, to the point of wanting to take a lit match to the carpet and closing the door. Had it,
even more than my most trying design clients frustrate the very marrow in my bones- it was even more than
that sort of had it!!! Gurl... I was through! So, when last we met, I told you that I needed a minute. I needed a moment to myself, some time to regroup and hopefully find a new inspiration. Not that my vision for the room had been shaken or changed. I still knew (know) what the space needs to be (did you really doubt that-
come on, really?) but I just needed a new source of inspiration for my own creative stores from which I could tap positive energies when things get... well, as hairy as things have gotten! Well today I'm proud to report that I've finally found a new source of inspiration. And I'm so happy to say that it comes from one of our favorite vendors, Designer's Guild. As I happened upon their newest catalog and through page after page of delicious gor-jiss-ness, I suddenly felt my inspiration reserves begin to swell. Oh the colors, textures, the brilliant mix of stylistic genres- it was literally, sinfully titillating! What can I say? Some people like porn or exotic dancers... me likes a pretty house! So, since I was so thrilled and excited by all that I saw I decided that you too, needed some aesthetic edification. No, no, don't thank me. That's just me, I'm a giver. Now, sit back, relax and take it all in... enjoy this smorgasbord of style... MMMUWAH!

So on it's own I might have said that this floraly patern was just too too, buuuut mixed with contem- porary shapes and textural punches of color, well now, now it's my number one jam!

Clearly color is import- ant here. But that's not the only lesson to be learned Look at the mix of contem- porary and classic... it's really delight- ful!

A word of caution though: there IS someth- ing to be said for having a wall large enough to support so much pattern! So be smart!

I just have two word for you: PINK PLAID!

Feeling, uh, a little blue? UGH!!! I LIVE for this room!!! And you do too, ok?!?! A statem- ment, yes, but so eloqu- ently put!!!
And this one made me shed a tiny tear from the corner of the eyeball of my heart because my soul was smiling so hard when it first gazed upon its sumptuous loveliness!!! Yes, really!Now go. Off with you! Sashay away... and be inspired.
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