When I woke up this morning I felt like there were crispy clumps of coal behind each of my eyeballs. The clumps were burning slowly and softly and quietly- but burning nonetheless. They also seemed to be gently pressing into the frontal lobe of my, by this time gradually building with pressure resulting from God only knows what, brain. And then, like a little sibling who doesn't want to be left out of a seemingly exciting adventure, my back began to whimper. At first it was subtle. But by the time Id thrown back the covers of my cozy nest, coaxed Huge and Lu into consciousness and attempted to roll m'self to the mattress' edge, my back let me know that it was not
at all happy- and then the rest of my body began to chime in. Uuuuugh... I'm sick. And I HATE being sick. So, while I have pics of the progress made in my room (the curtains are black), and lots of great things to share bout the rest of the space... since I'm sick and unhappy, Ive decided that it's only fair that you should join me in my misery. Yes ma'am, we'll be bellyaching, cold-chills having pals and ride this one out hand in clammy hand, together. No need to thank me, I already know, I really am too generous. And I don't know about you, but when I'm sick and feeling blugh-ly, I always want to plant m'self in bed with a pile of magazines, the TV remote, my laptop and devour article after article featuring pics of inspiring spaces that take me away from my immediate discomfort and cause me to forget about the bags that are inevitably swelling beneath my eyes and the then pleasantly mortifying trip to the drug store to buy hemorrhoid cream with which Ill soothe them back to submission... ahhhh, good times. Well, today, since I'm holding down the fort here in the Shop and unable to hold up, hidden, at home, I cant do as much article devouring as Id like to. BUT I did come across one that definitely washed that day-dream induced glaze over my face. Check this place out! In a word it's just, 'comfortable'. It makes my heart smile and my eyes hum a happy tune. I want to climb into the pictures and curl up on the sofa or into the bed- I just know that Id feel better if I were there. It's wonderful... anyway, look it over and enjoy... and then bring me some chicken soup!

The combination of barely varied hues, create a eye-soothing palette.

Contrast is subtle and consistent. An easy casualness (loose fitting slip covered sofa) is set off by the straight lined sophistication of more contemporary pieces like the glass topped coffee table and round mirror.

I talk about this with lots of my clients- 'color blocking'. Things don't always have to have pattern or imagery to be visually interesting. Many times leaning on texture instead of print, leads to a more elegant and grown up looking mix.

I want to eat a cheese platter when I look at this shot. Maybe Ill let you have a slice, but THAT'S IT! Anyway, how great does the whole tone on tone work in the kitchen?!?! It is cool and clean without being hard and cold.

So yes, there IS an awful lot goin on in this office. Books and bottles, bags and lams, trays and chotskies... it
could all just end up being too too much. But it's not. The cushiness of the beigey-gray-white canvas seems to just absorb any potential for cluttered chaos.

And here is where I climb off of my stool, into the picture (you know, kinda like that 80's music video for Take On Me- I KNOW, I heart that song too, so so so much...!) and into the bed and my sickness flies out that window above my head! Right?!?!?
BTW: Today's beautiful house was brought to us by the lovely chaps over at House Beautiful... and so it is.
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