So, you know how I like, never ramble? And I
ever prattle, and I wouldn't even
think about trailing off on some unfocused tangent- this is where you nod in agreement- right? Well because I am just such a 'to-the-point' sorta fellow, I'm going to get straight
to the point by saying... LONG STORY SHORT: I recently boxed up alla my purdy lil'goodies, packed up Huge and Lu and drove my happy hips to a new nest (translation = I moved). Sooooo... this means that I have a bare canvas that is in desperate need of some TLC. Aaaand it is a VERY challenging space (let me just say that the bedroom is more of a bed-cubbyhole, HELLS OF SMALL!)! In fact, it may be quite difficult even for little old moi to take this place from Filthy to Gorgeous. But rest assured -
insert trumpet blast here - I shall! Aaaanywho, I have decided that you all would love the opportunity to watch the transformation process from start to finish- bare walls to decked-out halls, if you will. So to begin with, today I am introducing you to my new bedroom. But first a warning. Let's all put on our Positive Polly hats and try to reserve judgments for after, heh?
I know it's small &
I know it's rough.
But, I also
know that it can be, in the words of one of my muses, 'this tiny little jewel box.' So come on, lets git on it, shall we?!?!?

1. Yes, I do realize the number of possible jokes that the image of an open, empty closet could imply. Thank you Mr./Mrs. Obvious. But try to look beyond the potential quips for a moment and take in all that I'm working with here! Yyyyyaah, not too much.
2. This window hangs directly opposite the closet. If I stand in the middle of the room and stretch out my arms I could so totally touch both wall at the same time- Fer REAL!
So what in the helicopter am I gonna do?!?!?! Ooooooo, this is where it gets good. Stay tuned...!
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