50cent's Palace- slight mountain lodge in Colorado feel, but I wouldn't turn it down, right?!?!
I mean, really? So dark and BOring! And the stark white chairs... gasp! Its like that creepy white loafer guy that you see in the mall, rocking the shirt tucked into his jeans and a gold necklace mixed into too much chest hair! Just all kinds of taky! And, I know Im gonna hurt some of your feeling here, but I wouldn't be your friend if I didn't tell you, those sofas- GAWD AWFUL!!! You gotta agree with me at least on this point, it's just not warm and homey feeling fer sure!

With the recent closure of the Bay Bridge and the subsequent disaster that that created for those of us who drive to and from work everyday (35 min trips increased to 3 hours! Come on CalTrans, get it together!) I have found myself doing a lot of day dreaming. In particular Iv been fantasizing about what it would be like to live in a big'ole sprawling, palatial compound sort of a house. You know the kind; like what you'd imagine Oprah would be curled up in (speaking of see pic numero dos). It be oozing space and just plain old fabulosity! I mean, my bathrooms would have bathrooms! Yes ma'am! Anyway, it got me to looking online and checking out how the rich and famous
really do live. And, um, how can I put this? Well, in a word, it was DISAPPOINTING! I mean, I know that it's said that there is a lid for ever pot... but if we're gonna use cliches (and we are) let me just say, you cant buy good taste! My dreams of how my favorite celebs were rollin were quickly shattered by the reality that though yes, they had tons of space- finding a celeb with the ability to fill that space tastefully was apparently just asking too much. Le sigh. Anywho, I thought you might enjoy a quick peek at one in particular- 50cent's ridiculously large but unfortunately pitifully designed home. Look, laugh, and be happy that you didn't waste the buckets of money that you know he did on crap like this!
Here's a few more that exteriors that I thought you might enjoy at the very least drooling over... oh what I could do with a space like these!
Eddy Murphey, J-Lo, Oprah's Homes (l-r)
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