All right all right all right! I promised you that I would and Im about to make good on my word. Here is a list of the little goodies that you absolutely must have right this second! They are delightful, delicious and delovely, and afordable available and of course adorable. Now all of these are of couse available at FG, but with a bit of determination Im sure you can locate most of these in your own neighborhood. So, without further ado, here are the goods:

1. Teeny Tiny Bird Vase: This little sweety-tweety is seriously like 3"x3"- SO FRIGGIN CUTE UGH!!! You need this because at $5.00 the hand blown glass cutie is a steal! Makes a great hostess gift OR in a grouping (a flock if you will) they're an adorable accent for YOUR home :)

2. Pumpkin/Gour Candles: Depending on the size(s) that you purchase, these can work bee-utifully independently, in groupings or sprinkled throughout a mixture of real pumpkins. AND, like the real thing, they too will last from Sep-Nov! And think of how fantastic they would look littered down the center of your table burning softly during your holiday meals... YUMMMY!!! So for their versatility AND longevity these goodies are a DEFINITE MUST HAVE. Now depending on where you buy, prices will vary, as shown:$12.50-36.50

3. Poisonous Decanter and Glasses: While some of us may apprecaite the actual intended purpose of this piece, others may be too good for that sort of thing... and that's ok (more for me!). Whats important is that you get how fabulous it is from an aesthetic perspective! So get it! Etched with skull and cross-bones and labeled 'HEMLOCK' or 'ABSINTHE' on the reverse- I mean, how could you NOT love 'em?!?!? Come on dont be sucha prude, you gotta at least love the whimsy! Anywho, the glassed themselves would also be fall-tastic as votive holders- oh and BTW, ANOTHER adorable hostess gift!!! $47.95 & $9.95ea.

4. Happy Halloween Box-o-Matches: Alright I REALLY loves this. They made my heart feel fuzzy and my lips curl into a giddy little school girl smile!!! Ahh... love...! Ok, but why is this SO great and why do you NEED it SO badly? Listen to this- $3.95 a box!!! Get yourself a real/live baby pumpkin and wrap the whole thing up in a raffia bow... gurl you have an inexpensive but GOR-JISSSS hostess gift! OR, wouldnt that memory making, carving of the jack-o-lantern with the kids be that much more special with special candle lighting Halloween matches- trust me, thats the cheezy stuff they remember- bless thier little hearts!

5. Autumn Leaves: We've already been over this one so Im not goint to say much... who am I kidding? Ha! Git up, go out and get youself some leaves!!! GO! NOW!!! And for those of you who pride yourselves on being 'frugalistas' (and TRUST me we will be chatting about that very soon!), at the very least, go drive round the neighborhood and find a colorful tree and cut yourself an arrangement! And if its in someone's yard or a park or anywhere but your own backyard- for God's sake, dont get caught! As shown: 1 1/2 bunches shown, $15.00 p/bunch

6. Vintage Masquerade: Who doesnt like to play dress up? Now be honest cuz you know you do too! And even if you dont, you cant escape it this time of year! These are seriously brilliant! $4.50ea. and you have both a piece you can wear AND a piece you can decorate with! Can you make them out? Click on the pic and view it larger, you gotta see how great these are!!!! I heart the way these have been tossed into a bare branch like the last leaves waiting to be blown down... ahhh :)

7. A touch of color: So many colors to see and so many to pick from at this time of year. Call me boring, but Im loving the classics right now. Adding a sparse arrangement of rose hips (for example) can be an elegant and subtle way to introduce intense colors, like orange, into your space. And to be quite honest, depending on the container that you use to hold them, they could very well carry on throughout the year! This antique harvest basket is a fantastic way to display the clippings for months to come! $12.50 p/stem

8. PUMPKINS: Orange, white, Cinderellas, Blue, Cheese... oh my! Fresh from the grower and grouped together for impact, Pumpkins are arguably The design element of Autumn! Dont forget, the key is either variety OR strict monochromatic arrangements heartily disperssed throughout your space. Singles are, well... lonely! $5.95-$9.96ea.
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