New things that I love and so you must have is here again. Woo hoo! So, without further a due, lets get right to it...

While most of you know how I feel about 'prints', the fact is that not all of us (present company included) can afford to drop a paycheck on every piece of that we hang on ever one of our walls. Which I think is
just unfair, but that's another story for another day! Therefore a good 'print' is necessary here or there and actually, when done right, can be a fantastic addition to a space. Casee in point, this lovely little treat (or at least until XYZ-Gallery, or TJ Maxxx get their hands on it- what?!?!? You know I only speak truth!). The whole bird thing, very now. The soft neutral pallette makes for versatility and soothe-eeness. The framless mount keeps things modern and the color-wash look adds a vintagED sense. All in all, I love. You do to, buy it, move on...

One more example of a print done right! Now, done right does not mean that it retails for all of 2 quarters, but it doesnt cost your left kidney either! It is something that you wont find everywhere, but being a print it
is affordable (do I really need to get into an explanation of sensible price expectations? No? Thank you.) So, in particular the combination of rustic and urban- tree and old newspaper, with the high-gloss, laquered finish makes this piece particularly delightful! Its not too hard feeling but not too soft... gotta have it!!!

Geometric cutout vase... need I say more?!?!? They're tall AND skinny... oh how I wish... and stark and matte and I just want them I want them I want them
(PS: so do you)! Flanking the anchor piece on a mantle, as a single piece in a mixed grouping, supporting two other, larger pieces on a console grouping! Oh it's all so exciting!

Antique Ginger Jars... they may be antiques, but there's nothing like one or a pair or a grouping of these babies to add a bit of contemporary breath to a space! Their smooth lines and simple composition combine with cool colors to introduce a modern feel, but quietly... subtly. Perfect for those of you who are always saying how they "just love 'eclectic mixes' and stuff" and then you walk into their house and it looks like Pottery Barn just left after vomiting all over everything. Uh huh, you know the type.
That is NOT an eclectic mix honey. Go get yourself an antique Ginger Jug and a wrapped canvas print (see above) and then come see me!

Antique or Vintage Buddha Head. I have raved about these little guys forever! I just wanna pinch their chubby little faces, I just love them so much. Again, a perfect way to add contemporary flare AND timelessness all in one buy. In book cases, shelving, on coffee tables or consoles, anywhere and everywhere. In large or small sizes, in groupings or alone. In Frenchy feeling surroundings or more Urban Upscale settings, these are a sure way to help induce an eclectic environment.

This one if for those of you more adventurous, more spirited design divas out there. Really, it's an Italian Antique Column Capital (translation: the top of a big post... I know, I know, but just go with it) . Like any found object, especially the more architectural pieces, you gots to use a little imagination to find a new purpose for it. Well luck for you, you got me! This, my friends, is now, a... riser! You know, use it to 'mount' any special item or relic that you might have tucked away or out but not spotlighted as it could and should be... right??!?!?!? Like your fantastic antique Santos or Vintage Buddah statue, or a stack of prized old books or the sculpture that you're baby boy or girl made you in art class (well, actually that should go away to a dark corner of an out of eye level shelf or better yet, a corner of your 'favorite things trunk' so it wont get see, I mean, get broken) Yes ma'am! You love it, you need it, you'll thank me later.
Ok, that concludes another edition of our latest must haves. Im tired, I needs a drink... is it noon yet?!?!? Who am I kidding, like it matters! Smooches...
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