Now I dont have a pic to go with this particular lesson so here's one of Huge and Lu,
they are FILTHY GORGEOUS, so there :-P
Our lesson for today is to spend smart. Now, don’t misread me- I said, smart, not don’t spend at all. I’ve encountered that situation all too often. And let me just say, nothing is more pathetic than a shopper who is so afraid of making the wrong purchase that they just don’t purchase all together. It’s pitiful and sad… really… just sad. Aaanywho, as I’ve said before, the trick is to be sure you’re purchasing the right thing. Easier said than done, you say? Well here, lemme give you a personal example, when I got my first apartment, I scrimped and saved and bought a super beautiful rug for my living room. At the time (back in the day) I spent $1500.00. I was SO proud- yes, of a rug, don’t judge! After 2 weeks of cushy bliss my best friend spilled a glass of grape juice all over it and I was DEVASTATED (as this was pre-Oxicleaning type products). My rug, my beautiful, supple, plush, buttery, make you just wanna roll around on it all day long, beautiful, beautiful rug had been horribly disfigured. Oh the harah of it! Hang on, gimme a minute…
The moral of this tragedy is simple: when you got clumsy oafs for friends, don’t buy $1500.00 rugs! IKEA- take me away!!! Ha! I keed! But seriously, the lesson was to invest wisely! If you’re budget conscious (and who among us is not- well, either that or just cheap) what the hells are you doing buying that sort of rug??? Now, for those of you who require a more simplistic explanation see the following:
Worth Investing In:
-Seating (classic shapes and neutral color ways)
-Mattress (per your specific taste, but trust me your back will thank you later!)
-Media/Gadgetry (remember, form is JUST as important as function here, look for balance and product reliability!)
-Antiques/Vintage (nearly all going to be one of a kind, and are timeless, buy what you love!)
NOT Worth Investing In (at least for the more frugally minded among us):
-Rugs (!!do I really need to say more?)
-Top/Cover Linens (unless you collect, this is something that changes with the season, so only spend as much as you’re willing to move on from regularly)
-Reproductions (they are knock offs! Why should you pay as much/more for them as the originals?)
-Pet Furniture (really???)
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