Friday, October 30, 2009
No accounting for good taste. Fer real!!!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Coming Attractions...

Doncha love my brilliant use of photoshop- well, I am talented.
I am so excited to announce that very soon local stylist, trend watcher AND setter, fashion forecaster and Bay-Area-Social-Elite's-It-Boy, _______ _______ (you didn't actually think I was going to give you his name YET, did you?) will be joining TheFGLife as our resident fashion expert! As you know, TheFGLife is all about living life in a phenomenally beautiful and fantastically fabulous way. Its about attaining the lifeSTYLE that you wish for but may not have realized you CAN have! Money aside, in spite of location, beyond any other unavoidable circumstance- a FILTHY GORGEOUS life can be had by anyone who just knows how. And to that end, in addition to advice and information of the Interior Design kind ( yours truly), we will now be providing the know how so you'll know how on all things wearable... YESSSSS!
Monday, October 26, 2009
A few more... oh stop! Don't pretend you don't just LOVE it!

Sunday, October 25, 2009
The Must Haves that you MUST HAVE- Right NOW... aaaagain!

This one if for those of you more adventurous, more spirited design divas out there. Really, it's an Italian Antique Column Capital (translation: the top of a big post... I know, I know, but just go with it) . Like any found object, especially the more architectural pieces, you gots to use a little imagination to find a new purpose for it. Well luck for you, you got me! This, my friends, is now, a... riser! You know, use it to 'mount' any special item or relic that you might have tucked away or out but not spotlighted as it could and should be... right??!?!?!? Like your fantastic antique Santos or Vintage Buddah statue, or a stack of prized old books or the sculpture that you're baby boy or girl made you in art class (well, actually that should go away to a dark corner of an out of eye level shelf or better yet, a corner of your 'favorite things trunk' so it wont get see, I mean, get broken) Yes ma'am! You love it, you need it, you'll thank me later.
Ok, that concludes another edition of our latest must haves. Im tired, I needs a drink... is it noon yet?!?!? Who am I kidding, like it matters! Smooches...
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Coming Attractions...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
You need to make these!!!

So you know how they say that desperation is the mother of all great invention? Well, they do say that, and from my desperation springs a great creation, invention, cutest lil thing you ever did see. And so I tell you, you need to make these! Pumpkin Spiders and Pumpkin Bats... hee hee!!!
Step 4:
Combine 3 pipe cleaners by twisting them together to form one, thick(er) pipe cleaner. You will need two of these thicker cleaners (attached one to the other, end to end) to form each wing.
Step 5:
Free form the wings into a simple bat-wing shape (you can do it, come on now!), think of a stretched out letter M, attached at one leg to an upside down and equally stretched out letter V.
Step 6:
Push free end of 'the letter V' into one of the holes that you drilled into the top of the pumpkin- push the free end of 'the letter M' into the corresponding hole that you drilled at the bottom. Repeat steps 4-6 to complete the second wing on the other side.
Step 7:
Thread fishing lure through the hole that you drilled in the pumpkin's stem, tie and hang from a hook secured overhead.
Step 8:
For spiders, use larger green pumpkins and instead of drilling holes in the stem and bottom, drill
two sets of four holes on the top at either side of the stem and insert pipe cleaners.
Step 9:
When neighbors ask you where you got this adorable idea, tell them, 'I don't know, sometimes these sorts of creative things just... come to me."
Step 10:
THATS IT, now enjoy!!!
Monday, October 19, 2009
No nest like home...
I received this pic in a text message that read, ‘why did he make a nest out of my clothes?’ from my partner this morning. I heart my baby-boy Hugo!!! Don’t you just want to pinch those cheeks and squeeze his adorable little face?!?!? No? Ok maybe his IS a face that only his master could love, but my point in showing you this is to illustrate the importance of creating a space for yourself. It’s natural people! It’s instinctual! And in our world of heightened stresses and excessive pressures, it’s crucial to maintaining our sanity! Yet, for so many, a cozy environment that soothes and comforts their soul is often times last on the priority list. Budgetary concerns, fear of ‘doing it wrong’, time constraints, etc. all become excuses to not work towards creating the home that we should have. I’m not saying that we all need palatial estates with lavish furnishings, but I AM saying that we need more than just a collection of pieces selected simply because of price point of ease of access. Why did he make a nest of the clothes on the closet floor? Simple, he was feeling like he needed some comforting and creating a place that would quiet his stresses just seemed like the right thing to do! We can all learn a lesson from Hugo! We all should take a little time to spin round and round… and round, kneading our materials and sculpting the surroundings until they become the warm, inviting and cushy place we will look forward to resting our weary rumps in!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The Sanborn Home:
The front door of the house is located directly in the center of (one of) the long walls of the room.
Walk in and look right- the family 'room', look straight ahead- the entry 'room', look left- the living 'room'.
Look right- the Family 'Room'- BEFORE:
Clearly these guys already had a good start on things. The original farmhouse style architecture gave great bones to layer on. And the milky, blue walls would work well as a neutral backdrop. But the large empty spaces on the walls and fragmented furniture arrangement made for a sense of disjointedness.
Look left- the Living 'Room'- BEFORE-
Again, a good start, but just not quite right. The french antique settee was in great condition, but was on its way out- Sigrid wasn't sure that it was working as she wanted it to (aesthetically people, keep up with me, sheesh!). Actually, the settee was fine, it was just lonely :-(
As the axis of this tri-functional space, the entry way needed to be clearly defined and designated.
Now look to the right- the Family 'Room'- AFTER:
Because the built-in was, well, built in and had been requested to be worked around (and to be honest, it was a nicely done unit that wouldn't impede the ultimate desired effect). There wasn't much to be done here aside from some softening round the hard edges of the 'tech center' with the aide of candles, and layering in of carefully selected accessories. In addition we swaped sofa's with the Living Room and added to smaller scale reading chairs to 'balance' what previously felt very awkward.
Now look to the left- the Living 'Room'- AFTER:
As seen from the new and imporved Family Room (sofa in the forground) The new 'Room' is layered with accents of color and carfully selected accessories to add cohesion while deliberately maintaing its open airyness. LOVEZZZZ IT!!!!!!!!!!
Some Accessories Worth Noting:
For eclectic groupings to work well there needs to be some underlying themes or bits of commonality to assist with cohesion and keep things from looking like a big 'ol mess! On one large wall we hung a collection of vintage lady paintings, so on the other wall we added some antique Quan Yin icons (often reffered to as the 'female buddah') thereby subtely pulling the female personage theme through the entire space.