Monday, January 18, 2010

Kuan Yin...

Driving to the Shop this morning it became clear to me why today (January 18th) is supposed to be "the peek of gloominess for 2010".  It's grey and rainy, it's cold, people are driving like idiots (don't play, you know you were thinking it too!), when I stepped out of my car I stepped into a man-eating puddle, the thought of filing and paying taxes looms nearer and nearer, earthquake news still fills our ears with dread and hearts with sorrow every time we dare to turn on the television (I've taken to watching infomercials for some relief. Pitiful!), and it's only just... Monday!  UUUGH!  But, after the 9 ka-zillion gallons or water that pummeled my windshield, frightening as it was, I was glad that at least I was able to maintain some clarity of mind.  I thought about how fortunate I am and how much worse things COULD be.  I thanked the universe, a few gods, my dead aunt, and my lucky stars that I wasn't stuck under rubble in Haiti, and that I have a sanctuary to call home and a future to look forward to... and then I knocked on every piece of wood within 200' of me and threw a handful of salt over my shoulder- Hugo and Lula looked at me like Id lost it, but Im not taking any chances ha!!! Anyway, I decided to spend today actively seeking peaceful influences.  I want to spend what energy I have left on surrounding myself with elements that will evoke calm, tranquility, and soothe my overwhelmed senses.  And then, I walked into the shop, and I saw her... 

Quan Yin is one of the most universally beloved of deities in the Buddhist tradition. She is the embodiment of compassionate loving kindness. She hears the cries of all beings. Quan Yin enjoys a strong resonance with the Christian Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and the Tibetan goddess Tara. (

Ok, no, Im not Buddhist (must we have this conversation every time I mention some religious icon?).  And Im not pushing any religious concepts on you (ha!  TRUST and believe me!!!). What I am pushing however is the idea that you should sincerely seek to surround yourself with things that make you feel good and foster a healing environment when creating the spaces you live in. Take the time to figure out what those things are and then invest the resources in securing them.  For me, it's gorgeous (usually spiritually-inspired), time weathered articles- like the lovely Kuan Yin statues pictured here (and yes, these two ARE available at FG for a steal- a STEAL I tell ya!). For you, it might be vintage paintings, or supply stuffed down pillows, or stacks and stacks of well aged books, or luxuriously scented candles, or WHATEVER floats your boat while tooting your horn!  It doesn't matter.  What matters is that you figure it out and work towards making your space reflect that back to you so that in those moments of angst and good old fashioned stress, you're home can do its job and cradle you in cozy clouds of comfort while rainbow colored unicorns dance behind... okay okay, maybe not the unicorns so much, but you get the idea!  Let's flip this script and refuse what "they're" telling us.  Let's take back today and make 01/18/10 a day of respite, peaceful, bliss.  


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