yet provided us with her profile pic... rest assured Trace, WE WILL POST YOUR FACE!!!
Now hold on, hold up, let me explain! Beyond the comments and emails (BTW, thank you for each and every precious little one of them), we, your loyal and supremely stylish lifestyle gurus here at The FG Life, have invited a fantastic little lady to join the team. Tracy K. will be our Filthy Gorgeous viewer's voice. She will provide actual reader feedback and post her honest commentary on the advice and recommendations that we offer. She will critique and review US- imagine! How dare she! Just kidding, just kidding, actually THAT will be her job. She will keep it real and keep us honest. She will tell you what, of what we say, actually works and why. She will point our our mistakes (cuz Lord knows we cant get enough of that from y'all!) AND she will offer her own perspective on all kinda stuff you gots to know! She will ALSO offer you great, real time, tips and suggestions for pinching pennies in ways other than from the various budgets that you SHOULD keep intact (ie: fashion, home, entertainment, etc) EVEN when the economy slows. I wont even tell you what she was telling me about just today (home made soup for 4 for less than $2.00!!! Guuuurl, sign me UP!). Aaaaanywho, all in all, you're gonna love her because we love her... but not more than you love me, cuz that'd just be silly! And kisses and hugs and kisses and hugs...
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