Friday, April 9, 2010

I've hit the wall...

This is my wall, and gurl(!) Ive hit it! Oh, and btw, love the color doncha?!?!?

well, not literally. I have really delicate bone structure and hitting a wall (any wall) voluntarily would be much too risky an expression of emotion for me to actually engage in. What I'm trying to tell you is that I am frustrated and as a result I'm feeling stumped. Le sigh... and one more, le sigh. Ok, so my room was coming along, but then, all of the sudden, it seems as if EVERYTHING snagged on one problem or another. SERIOUSLY- it's been enough to make me want to just say 'forget it!' and fly on over to Pottery Barn (Ow! That actually hurt my fingers just typing it. Is that normal... hmmm...weird) and say, 'gimme the number 3'! That is how they do it at those stores, right? You know, order by number or combo or something like that? I dunno, point is that I'm FRUSTRATED! (And apparently frustration makes Jonathan a bitchy-boy!) It all started with my beautiful bed (you remember her?). Oh how much I longed for her arrival. I could barely contain myself (yes really! You get excited about your favorite stuff and Ill get excited about mine, thank you very much Judgey Judith!). But then, when at last she finally came, she looked like she had been through a battle. I was crushed... DEVASTATED! Literally, I was almost misty-eyed when I saw her wounds. Hang on... gimme a sec... fewh! Ok, I'm fine. So yes, the shippers had decimated her. SO I sent her off to be repaired. Well if it hasn't been one thing its been another; and here I am nearly a month later and she's still not back!!! And that's just my bed! Then the window coverings were another fiasco all together! Let me just simply say, thank you Marissa over at the Home Depot (yes I did try every independent distributor that I could get a hold of and no, none of them were able to assist me in a timely manner so yes, I was forced to brave the masses and jump into the nightmare of the big HD!) for her patience and consideration- there's a special place in heaven for peoples like you and Ill promise to decorate it fabulously, cuz Lord knows the way this bedroom is going, my frazzled nerves are going to get me there much quicker than you! And the TV mount, let me just tell you- internet purchasing is almost as dangerous as internet dating. I bought what I was assured was exactly what I needed and after I received it, found that no, it was not. But after everything else I decided to just grin and bear it and mount it anyway and then after it was mounted (thanks to the BEST BF EVA!!!) I mounted it crooked! But you know it stayed that way- no way in helicopter that I was about to take it down and start over- ha! And then, today, I found out that the light fixture which I ordered has been placed on back order... AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! ROFL LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LAWD don't send me more patience, just send me some assistance!!! As I said, I have hit the wall! LOLOL!!! So now what a'do? Well I think it's time to step back, take a minute, find some inspiration and then (perhaps a glass of white wine, or four) get back to it. I will prevail! Gimme a sec, I'm going back to the refridg... er, I mean my inspiration box and after a minute Ill get back to it. And so, Ill leave you with that. When you hit your wall, don't give up or give in. Don't settle or compromise. Take a minute, regroup and then get back to it. Trust me, you'll be glad you rehung that TV!



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