Really! I mean, finally! This has taken me way too long. I should be ashamed before the Lord. But, you know I had to make sure that I was giving these things thought and care and not blowing them off for the sake of time or whatever. When you love things, especially old things, the way that I love them, it can be hard to let them go (I was still pegging my jeans in junior high school- and no, it was NOT the 1980's anymore, HA!). Well OK, here they is... my thoughts on what 'they' say are the thing we just cant hardly wait to git-gone!
Trends We Cant Wait To Let Go Of:
1. Taxidermy Overkill: I feel like a stuffed dead animal can be an excruciatingly creepy thing. Yeeeah- sorta gross. BUT, I'm not sure this is so cut and dry (eeeewww... stuffed, dead animals and cut and dry... ohm'gawd, I think I can taste it in my mouth now- BLUGH!) . I SO almost bought a fantastic, vintage stuffed African deer (of some sort). But then this way-to-into Taxidermy guy swooped in and bought it out from under me! And to ice that cake, when I asked him what he was going to do with it, he said, 'Im going to restore it', UGH!!!!!!!!! Anyway, point is, that when done in moderation and with proper placement, I feel like a freeze-dried deer carcass can be a tasteful addition to your space (eeeewww... freeze-dried deer carcass and tasteful... ohm'gawd...!)
2. Flat Screen TV's mounted too high: You know, I am so down with this one! SO DOWN! There is nothing worse than sitting down to a potentially magical moment, like watching the alien baby come popping out of Sigourney Weaver's stomach, just to have it ruined by a nagging pinching feeling in the back of your neck! HOWEVA(!!!) let us not chuck the whole TV above the mantle placement entirely. Let's just be sensible people and use some good 'ole common sense! If your mantle/fireplace is particularly high, perhaps it's not the best spot for the tele. DUH.
3. Home Make Over Shows That Set Unrealistic Goals or Expectations: HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In addition to all of the viral infections that plague the home furnishings retail market place, home make over shows are too a cancerous cyst that must be cut out of the body of American culture! STOP the madness!!! If I see one more plywood concoction covered in batting and polyester and called a couch, I will scream!!! It's just not right people. And, further, it only sets up the unrealistic idea that you too can have such a lovely piece of crap in your home with just a bit of ingenuity, imagination and a glue gun. Let me see, how can I say this nicely? Ummm... no, you cant.
4. Shallow Sink Basins: 'They' are right! Wet crotch is NEVER a cute look! But let me add to this, faucets that have a distorted sense of water pressure and spew forth with such gusto that regardless of the depth of the basin you end up with the pee-pee on your privies look anyway! UGH!!!! Hello, Shell gas stations?!?!?! Not that I'm a gas station bathroom frequenter or anything, Im jus sayin!
5. Overdoing It With Designer Repro's: Hmmm. Hmmmmmmmmm. Well yes and no. I LOVE original and say go for the good when you can. BUT, there are times when I just don't have the coin to drop a few thou on the real McCoy. I'm going to say this: if done carefully and sparingly, a well-done fake is ok. BUT, for those of you who think that no-one will ever be able to tell the difference and opt to buy phony all the time, umm, eeew.
6. The phrase 'man cave': Did 'they' just run out of actually good things to not like anymore? Seriously! Who cares? Call it what you will- if it keeps his (or her- hey, Im an equal opportunity player) tacky college memorabilia or sports paraphernalia out of the living room, Im all for it!
7. Granite and Stainless Steel Combo: Uh, yes. This one is tired. I suppose I don't hate it. And appreciate the investment that it is (fer real! That stuff aint cheap!), I do fee like we can all do better now. It IS time to be more creative with the kitchen. After all this inevitably becomes the room that most of us hang out in most of the time (and for some of us, I... I mean we spend too much time in there! But that's another post for another day- word!). Shouldn't it be as fabulous as the remainder of the home? Yes, yes it should. Try mixing and matching multiple materials (like marble, tile and wood) and when possible, lets let the appliances fade away. Just because you spend some cash on it doesn't mean it needs to make a statement. Y'feel?
Ooooo, I like this! Send me more! Lets talk more about the tacky things that are out there that need to not be, anymore! But lets keep each other on target and stick to things, not people, ha! Aaaanywho, loves y'lots...!
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