No this is not me... I know, I got confused for a second too!
Where in the bloody helicopter have I been?!?!?!? Fer REALZ!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, your guess is as good as mine, ha! To be honest, I needed some time and (at least according to
my opinion) it was WELL deserved. So, I took a day or two... or three of four or five oooor, oh whose really counting(?!?!), well stop already- uh,
rude! The point, my lovelies, is that Im back with a vengeance! Im back for another go round, and Im taking no prisoners! Im facing twenty-10 with a new attitude (but, rest assured, attitude none the less) a new perspective AND... wait for it... a new do (pics forthcoming). And, to start the year off right- yes, I
did say
start the year off right- better late than never I always say, mmm hmmm- I wanted to speak on a familiar phenomenon to all of us round bout this time of year-
Unrealistic Expectations. Let me tell you- I was at the gym a week and a half ago, you know, widdling my post-holiday wobbly-bits down to manageable proportions, when it struck me- the gym is PACKED. And, its packed with people who don't have a clue what they are doing. I watched as person after poor deluded person climbed up and down on elliptical machines without an ounce of resistance and then puffed round and round for a few minutes just to hop down and run to the mirror to investigate the result of their efforts. Some even chatted it up with each other about feeling 'the burn' or how they had already seen improvements since beginning (a week ago!). It was all really very sad. But being the positive-polly that I am known for being, I simply turned up the volume on my I-Pod and thought to myself 'Good for you gurls! Now... p-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face...'. But, sure enough, this week the gym is already nearing its usual number of patrons. ALREADY! It's pitiful. Did they all
really attain their goals??? And, if so, what am I doing wrong??? But no, we all know they didn't. Truth is, the illusion of all the progress that they were making faded and they realized that this was going to be a much longer commitment than they anticipated and so, let life get in the way, distract and pull them away from their recent resolutions. Le sigh.
One of my new passions Louis IV (or so) pieces...
And now, for the wrap up: DONT set yourself up with Unrealistic Expectations and discouragement cant use distraction to keep you from achieving your goals! PREEEEACH!!! Easy to get caught up in the New Year Resolution fan fare, but its ALWAYS a challenge to follow through and make those resolutions an actual part of our lives. No, Im not still speaking about working out (though I could be- hi Rance!), Im speaking more generally. For our purposes here, Ill touch on the (interior) design-ness of it all. With the start of this new year, set some attainable to do's. Lets work on a room or a collection or finding and securing a piece. Lets stop saying, funds are tight and so I cant, or worse yet, this year Im going to redo my house; and start saying I need to replace my chair, Im going to work on and make that happen, or, I'd love an antique armoire, Im going to make that happen. Losing 5 lbs is MUCH easier than losing 20. But, you cant lose the 20 without the five first, right? Holler! In turn, redoing your house is a much less manageable feat than buying a new table. So, here's to 2010 and the promise of all you allow yourself to have. And now, I need a cheese burger, ha!
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