Friday, January 29, 2010
The 'new' use of texture per our incredibly creatively innovative friends at West Elm.
Credit: West Elm
10 Interior Design Trends for 2010:
1. Pallette/Color (neutral's ie: grey, pretty pops ie: purple/yellow, creative combo's ie: grey with purple accents)
2. Bold Design Decisions (risk taking ie: sparkle glamour)
3. Layered Flooring (multiple area rugs layered on top of one another)
4. Keeping It Real (no more faux stuff!)
5. Artisanal Goods (craftsmanship is in again!)
6. Texture (natural materials)
7. The Well Traveled Look (collected souvenirs add personality)
8. Mix It Up (a carefully created 'anything' goes look)
9. Old Is New Again (vintage and antique finds are affordable and essential)
10. Wallpapered Ceilings (just what I said)
Trends We Cant Wait To Let Go Of:
1. Taxidermy Overkill (I mean, you get this one, right?)
2. Flat Screen TV's Mounted Too High (realistic placement of tech toys)
3. Home Makeover Shows That Set Unrealistic Goals/Expectations (I couldn't have said it better myself! Well, I actually could have, but thanks for saying it nonetheless! Holler!)
4. Shallow Sink Basins (wet crotch is never a cute look)
5. Overdoing It With Designer Repro's (no more fake Eames chairs!!!)
6. The phrase 'man cave' (um, eew)
7. Granite And Stainless Steel Combo (think outside the box)
And so, I will leave you with that- for now. Let it sink in, simmer, stew and such (mmmm... meat stew. GAWD- someones HUNGRY!). Think about the trends, think about those that are (apparently) in need of getting rid of, and we will resume this subject next post... you know so I can tell you where THEY are right but more interestingly where THEY ARE WRONG, and why you are wrong (ha! Kidding! Only kidding... sorta) and Ill fix it all up so we can go forth armed with the CORRECT information and design power. Okay? Ok, yay! Go team.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Git Rid'a It!
I know this may come as a surprise to many of you (the vast majority of you, I hope!), but there are actually some people who STILL have not put away all of their holiday do-dahs. Yes it's true... disturbing, but true, now let us pray. Well, though this may not apply to most of us (again, the VAST majority of us, I hope!!!), for what its worth I thought that I should take a moment to encourage you to again embrace this new year and all of the promise that it holds! Seize the day by letting some of that old holiday crap go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I said it, I believe it, I did it and it's time you did too! You see, while helping a friend put away alla the little bits of Christmas pasts that they'd collected over the years I couldn't help saying, 'gurl, you do know the majority of this stuff is crap, right?". And it was! Just crap! Stuffed animals and Santas, weather abused wreaths, strands of lights that didn't work, stockings for pets who are, uh, no longer with us... I was surrounded by Christmas CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, after a desperately needed, come-to-Jesus-chat bout how you dont need to save every little thing that is given to you and how the holidays are supposed to be about giving away not hoarding to oneself, my friend relinquished much of the holiday hoopla and joined the rest of us less encumbered souls, ready to embrace this year and all that it had to offer- cuz now they have the space to hold some stuff, ha! Now, back to you alls, again for the few who are still harboring the skeleton of their Christmas tree and having the nerve to turn on its lights at night (as if that makes it less than ludicrous!), I encourage you, no I implore you to give it up, give in, and go through the process of separating the good from the bad, lightening the load and packing it all away. Really folks, it's time.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Kuan Yin...
Quan Yin is one of the most universally beloved of deities in the Buddhist tradition. She is the embodiment of compassionate loving kindness. She hears the cries of all beings. Quan Yin enjoys a strong resonance with the Christian Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and the Tibetan goddess Tara. (
Ok, no, Im not Buddhist (must we have this conversation every time I mention some religious icon?). And Im not pushing any religious concepts on you (ha! TRUST and believe me!!!). What I am pushing however is the idea that you should sincerely seek to surround yourself with things that make you feel good and foster a healing environment when creating the spaces you live in. Take the time to figure out what those things are and then invest the resources in securing them. For me, it's gorgeous (usually spiritually-inspired), time weathered articles- like the lovely Kuan Yin statues pictured here (and yes, these two ARE available at FG for a steal- a STEAL I tell ya!). For you, it might be vintage paintings, or supply stuffed down pillows, or stacks and stacks of well aged books, or luxuriously scented candles, or WHATEVER floats your boat while tooting your horn! It doesn't matter. What matters is that you figure it out and work towards making your space reflect that back to you so that in those moments of angst and good old fashioned stress, you're home can do its job and cradle you in cozy clouds of comfort while rainbow colored unicorns dance behind... okay okay, maybe not the unicorns so much, but you get the idea! Let's flip this script and refuse what "they're" telling us. Let's take back today and make 01/18/10 a day of respite, peaceful, bliss.
Friday, January 15, 2010
2010- here we go again!
No this is not me... I know, I got confused for a second too!
One of my new passions Louis IV (or so) pieces...
And now, for the wrap up: DONT set yourself up with Unrealistic Expectations and discouragement cant use distraction to keep you from achieving your goals! PREEEEACH!!! Easy to get caught up in the New Year Resolution fan fare, but its ALWAYS a challenge to follow through and make those resolutions an actual part of our lives. No, Im not still speaking about working out (though I could be- hi Rance!), Im speaking more generally. For our purposes here, Ill touch on the (interior) design-ness of it all. With the start of this new year, set some attainable to do's. Lets work on a room or a collection or finding and securing a piece. Lets stop saying, funds are tight and so I cant, or worse yet, this year Im going to redo my house; and start saying I need to replace my chair, Im going to work on and make that happen, or, I'd love an antique armoire, Im going to make that happen. Losing 5 lbs is MUCH easier than losing 20. But, you cant lose the 20 without the five first, right? Holler! In turn, redoing your house is a much less manageable feat than buying a new table. So, here's to 2010 and the promise of all you allow yourself to have. And now, I need a cheese burger, ha!
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