filth*y [fil-thee]
adjective, filth*i*er, filth*i*est, adverb, verb, filth*ied, filth*y*ing.
Origin: 1350–1400; ME; see filth, -y
1. vile; vulgar: filthy language. contemptibly offensive. abundantly supplied.
–verb (used with object)
1. to make filthy; foul.
1. filthy rich, outrageously wealthy; very rich.
gor*geous [gawr-juh s]
Origin: 1490–1500; earlier gorgeouse <> 1. splendid or sumptuous in appearance, magnificent: a gorgeous gown; a gorgeous sunset.
2. Informal. extremely good, enjoyable, or pleasant: I had a gorgeous time.
filth*y-gor*geous [fil-thee*gawr-juhs]
Proper noun
Origin: 1998-2000; earlier Lacey Ellen 1. The aesthetic sensibility which inspires and determines the rest.
2. The lifestyle hitherto sought.
3. The destination from which to obtain inspiration
4. The best of the best of any number of comparible resources... 'nuff said!

WELCOME to the Filthy Gorgeous Life! My name is Jonathan and I will be your phenomenally talented, painfully honest, graciously modest and abundantly opinionated guide through this uniquely special experience. Over the course of our journey we’ll discuss interior design trends, touch on fashionable happenings, dabble in cultural phenomena, but all the while ultimately seeking what’s truly timeless and constant and therefore matter most: all that is beautiful. I’m not talking about ‘inner beauty’ or ‘self love’ or that kind that can only be found ‘in the eye of the beholder’ (gurl, save it for yer’mama!) or any of that crap… I mean REAL, honest to God, jaw dropping, awe-inspiring, peace evoking, angelic choir heralding beee-youty- with a capital B, okaay!?!? This, my friend, is what we will henceforth refer to as, Gorgeous (sometime GAWRgiss(!!), Gorge, Gorjisness, Gor-jiissss, GorCHus and so on and so forth, you get the idea). Yes, this, is what I live for (pleeeeze- don’t play, you know you do to, ha!)!!! Now then, sit back, hang onto your weave, and enjoy the ride…
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