Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Where do you guys get this stuff???
Being a Shop owner in addition to Designing, I am CONSTANTLY being asked, ‘where do you guys get all of this stuff?’ And, my answer is always the same, ‘everywhere!’ By the immediately returned look that I see in your eyes, I can tell that you might think that that’s just a BS answer meant to politely say, ‘I got my sources, that’s all you need to know.’ But it’s not! Honest (well, mostly anyway, ha!)! Look, the truth is, beautiful things are everywhere, literally everywhere! I have come home from funerals with fantastic treasures! That’s right, my eyes are ALWAYS open and I am ALWAYS on the hunt. I watch movies and will notice the style of sofa before I figure out who the killer is! Obsessive? Maybe. But that’s why I’m always being asked where I ‘get all of this stuff’ from and you’re not- naa! See, the trick is not in a special place that I go to or shop from; it’s in your selection! Case in point: two of my most favoritest goodie bags here in SF, ‘Gypsy Honeymoon’ and ‘Room 4’ (in case you didn’t notice, THAT was a freebee, a gracious gesture, a tip off… those are a couple of my sources! Mmm hmm, yr’welcome!) Both of these Shops are found under the generic headings, “Antiques/Furniture Stores”, in numerous online directories. And while that IS an accurate description of what you will find there, their collections are vastly different! What makes them work so well is their consistence and cohesion- their selections make sense! They are carefully composed groupings of individually selected treats- NOT hodge podge menageries of whatever they’ve been given, collected, or stumbled across over the years. Ok, now let’s put it all together. When out and about, keep your eyes peeled! Treasures are often found right out in the open, yes ma’am! But use discretion! NOT EVERY GIFT FROM A FRIEND SHOULD BE HUNG ON YOUR WALL!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Step 1: Do I hire a designer, or go it alone?
Let me preface this discussion by saying the following: I am a firm believer in the notion that we ALL have our own unique talents. Some can sing, some can paint, some can cook (and if this is your particular niche, I will be home by six), some can act, some can physically out perform the rest (athletically that is! Now get your mind out of the gutter and back on track), and then some of us… can design. Further, while even I indulge in a few morning shower concerts, I know that my abilities to create beauty are, uh, well, limited to the development of spaces. And therefore (usually, at least), I chose to keep my musicality to myselfs. Trust and believe it is a favor for which you will never be able to thank me enough! Yes ma'am! But now, what am I trying to say? Alright, brace yourself, here it is: if you can’t design (and you KNOW who you are- don’t play!), gurl, GET SOME HELP! ‘But I can’t afford a designer- they’re so expensive!’ Really?!?! Methinks buying the same items repeatedly because you didn’t buy the right element the first time around might be why you can’t afford a designer, right? Wait, wait, wait, and think about it, thiiiink aboouut it, aaand yes! I am right, see? OR, at the VERY least, ask a stylish friend for their opinion before you buy ANYTHING! There is no shame in acknowledging where your weaknesses lie and then seeking some assistance- NONE. We just aren't all able, and for those of you whose pride just won’t allow the admission of a personal lack of ability, I offer my encouragement and support and ideas. I cant promise you that you will produce the look of your dreams or be living The Filthy Gorgeousness of it all, but I will try my very best to provide easy to follow plans for beauteous ideas, consistently up-to-date concepts, and I will pull that loose back, rolled arm, slip-covered monstrosity of a sofa from your living room and gently hurl it into the trash and you into THIS decade. And all because I’m just that sort of philanthropic guy :)
Monday, September 28, 2009
Who What Where...?!?!?

adjective, filth*i*er, filth*i*est, adverb, verb, filth*ied, filth*y*ing.
Origin: 1350–1400; ME; see filth, -y
1. vile; vulgar: filthy language. contemptibly offensive. abundantly supplied.
–verb (used with object)
1. to make filthy; foul.
1. filthy rich, outrageously wealthy; very rich.

Origin: 1490–1500; earlier gorgeouse <>
2. Informal. extremely good, enjoyable, or pleasant: I had a gorgeous time.
Proper noun
Origin: 1998-2000; earlier Lacey Ellen
