I was watching TV the other day (I know that it would be much smarter sounding if I said, 'I read in an article', but who am I kidding, I'm a HUGE TV junkie!), and this terrible commercial interrupted a highly pleasurable episode of The Golden Girls- RUDE!- to inform me of the state of the economy. As if I didn't already know. But just as I was about to flip over to my other favorite channel... the other channel that seems to only ever air GG episodes... the annoyingly monotone man on the commercial began to talk about how, in this sort of economy, we begin to realize that what's really important in life are the little things... and then I flipped to that other channel, ha! But even through a riotously hilarious exchange between Dorothy and Sophia (she called her a 'nasty little person' and SHE IS... LOLOLOL!!!... she really IS sucha nasty, little, person... LOLOL!!! ROFL... it STILL gets me when I think about it!!!) I kept hearing that dull-voiced man drone on about "the little things." And it made me think, what about me? I mean, WHAT ABOUT me??? Like... really. Here we are, in the worst economy pretty much ever, and I'm pushing people to buy like nothings changed. I am
the worst! For shame!!! And then, Dorothy hit Rose over the head with a newspaper and I came back to my senses. Fewh! Fewh, for us all, am I right?!?!? Of course I am :) Anyway, as that newspaper came down sharply on Roses peroxide drenched head, I realized that THAT IS the power of design. It's all about the little things!!! I'm not pushing product like some dark alley, meth-dealer (besides if I WERE Id be in a much more glamorous locale than some dingy alley- TRUST! But, I don't do that disgust so get your mind out of there and back to what we were talking about!!), what design
and moi attempt to do is to alter or redirect the energy of a space and infuse your life with the subsequent positivity- and the avenue through which this is achieved IS by introducing, altering, re-placing, editing, THE LITTLE THINGS!!! Accessories, furnishing, textiles, collectibles, colors... those are the smallest (and often time, therefore forgotten) elements of our living spaces that have the power to affect the way that we feel IN that space. So, what I wanted to do was to show you some examples of little things, that don't cost anything (or very much) but can totally change the way an object feels. Then, Id like to encourage you to walk your own space and think about what little things you can do to increase the positive energy that you feel there.
Ok, so example numero one is made by this exquisite vintage Buddha (actually Quan Yin) statue. Now without a doubt she is fantastic as is! Duh. But what happens if we give her a blossom to hold and 'toss' one at her feet? She comes to life and really pops! And all by adding a little flower that cost less than $10.00!!! I think bringing her to life is worth that investment.

A nest is just not cozy without someone to live there. And yes, these are quail eggs (spicy, blue quail eggs, oooh la la!) and no this is not a quails nest. But, they needed a home and this nest needed some life and so voila- perfection for .99 cents each!


So, photography skills aside (no, I'm never going to get better at that, deal), an ordinary branch is suddenly extraordinary when a few teenie-weenie birdies and paper flowers are introduced. Yes they are are still great on their own, but the size and softness of the material (bird and flower) allow the branches to maintain their sparse feel and visual integrity, but help to keep them from feeling boring, right? Yes J, you are right. Thank you.
This vintage music/book stand is radness. But, isn't it so much radder when a vintage postcard is layered over the book that it holds?!?!? The correct answer is, yes. Yay!!! I knew you would agree!!! It screams, 'look at me just because!' instead of, 'I'm here... you know, if you wanted to read something, or something.' Snore.
Ok, now (presumably) you get it. Design and creating your space is not only about buying sofas and uber expensive armoires! Sometimes by adding a teenie weenie little birdie, you can bring a whole tree to life! Let's all start appreciating the little things a little more.