Thursday, December 31, 2009
SKATE - Don't Walk

Monday, December 28, 2009
Sales and so on and so forth.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas, Kwanza, Solstice, Santa, Hanu... oh(!!) you get the idea!

Well... we made it yall! Christmas '09 is officially here and no blood spilled (yet). Thanks for hanging with us thus far... but you DO know, we've only just begun!
From all of us here at The FG Life, here are some sloppy, licky, Lula kisses, wishing you a wonderful and really, really Filthy Gorgeous Holiday!!!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Gingerbread Cookies!
One of my favorite things to do this time of year is bake cookies. This past week my wonderful (and helpful) boyfriend and I baked delicious Chewy Chocolate Gingerbread cookies.
They were sooo good.
If any of you have yummy cookie recipes you would like to share, please do! I love to try new recipes.
I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Go Green

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
New Year, New You!
Hey Guys,
I just got this email from Rance and thought that you all should be able to get in on the action too. Not that any of you need it (As if! I would NEVER!), but then again, not that ANY of us wouldn't benefit from it either- know what Im sayin? Well however you chose to take it, for what it's worth (which, in case you were wondering, is SO much more than the $100 or $200 savings in itself as looking great and feeling better is worth an immeasurable amount more than any dollar can ever note... holler!) here's the email from Rance...
PS: the pic of Lula is just a pic of her fabulicious-ness for you to enjoy, so, enjoy!
Commit to the Constant Elevation Group Training Program (minimum 3 months) before January 1st, and get $100 off of your first month of training. All that you have to do to commit is call or email me (before January 1st) and let me know which class you would like to join...American Canyon, Pacifica or Richmond / Oakland. When you show up on day one, you'll save $100 for your first month! Contact me asap to guarantee your spot!
Commit to an Individual Training Program with me (minimum 3 months) before January 1st, and receive $200 of of your first month of training. All that you have to do to commit is call or email me (before January 1st) and set up your individual training assessment for the New Year. Remember, January to March is THE BUSIEST training period of the year...so DON'T PROCRASTINATE! The time for a healthier, stronger, more efficient you...is now! Prepare yourself for positive and productive 2010!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Our December Home to Remember
Oh! BTW, the photography sucks, yes thank you, I know. Like I said, a lot of hoopla... I couldn't get it together enough to coordinate with our photographer so you got stuck with me... gimme a break!
One word- VINTAGE! Yes people, items formerly owned by another can be just gorgeous! No, you don't need to refinish something that's chipped or cracked or, as I prefer to refer to such treasures as, time worn. Simply because Santa's left boot has seen better holidays does not mean he's finished. No, no. As long as he can still stand, he can still offer plenty of holiday cheer! On a more important note, notice the collections guys. They coordinate, not match, co-ordinate. Let's keep moving...
The tree is simple, but full of small wonders... individually selected vintage balls mingle with vintage-esque tinsel garland and basic white lights... AND, the tree itself, with open airy spaces between the branches helps to show off each of these individual treasures. Thats something worth noting, do you give your tree much thought, or do you simply buy from the closest lot?
Instead of a santa here, an gingerbread house there, a manger set over there, etc etc, etc, group things in coherent collections to create tiny vingettes and miniture view-scapes for more visual impact and increased sense of good ol' specialness!
Often times people, we feel the need to put away 'usual' decor and replace with our Christmas odds and ends. No need, silly. Remember KISS??? Keep it simple, stack and collect everyday pieces (where possible) together into a backdrop of sorts and simply place holiday items front and center. Like a good outfit, its all about layering. Riiight? Right!
You know what Im gonna say- DOMES, DOMES DOMES! If you dont have them already... ummm... why?
The centerpiece of this room is the antique, square-back piano. So it becomes necessary to build or tier-down from here. A sweet antique feather tree sits pretty at center stage. This also provides the perfect spot for showcasing some of the more special or sentimental tree ornaments. Little mercury glass highlights pepper the remaining space for a bit of sparkle- yay!
A straight line, contemporary dining table is contrasted perfectly by the classic Holly, holiday arrangements.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Selecting your Personal Trainer
Making the decision to work with a qualified personal trainer to achieve your fitness goals is one of the smartest ways to ensure that you don't quit. Over the past 14 years, personal training has evolved and continues to evolve into more of a necessity; as opposed to the traditional perspective that limited personal training and trainers to "exclusive" clientele. As general illness and physical disfunction have increased, so to has the number of personal trainers that are available to the general public. Recognizing the opportunity to capitalize on the times and to fulfill the public need, personal trainers, and health & fitness businesses are popping up everywhere. My goal is to provide you with the information that you need to make an informed decision when you hire your personal trainer. Here are five easy steps to finding and hiring your ideal personal trainer.
#1. Don't take millionare advice from someone who's broke. Your personal trainer should absolutely be in better shape than you!
I see it and hear it everyday. Everyday I walk into a gym and without fail I walk by two people in the middle of their workout, who are talking about exercise or nutrition. Often times I'll over hear what their talking about. A woman will ask a guy at least 50 to 60 lbs. heavier (overweight) than herself how he does a particular exercise or how he eats. While his belly figures out which way to go around his tightly snapped leather weight belt, he says "What you want to do is 3 sets of 10 repetitions. Increase the weight as you go. That's how you do it." It never ceases to amaze me how people will take advice from people that are worse off than themselves. Sure...every once in a great while you can find a "diamond in the rough", but more often than not, the best millionare advice comes from millionares themselves; just as the best fitness advice comes from those of us who are in great shape.
#2. Make a commitment to yourself. Set realistic expectations for yourself, and then follow through.
First, It is important to make a commitment to yourself before you even contact a potential personal trainer. Before you ever meet with your personal trainer you should know exactly why you are working out (personal goals). In addition, you should go into your personal training experience expecting to invest at least a few months (3 to 6 months) into your program to ensure that you give yourself and your personal trainer the opportunity to transform you. Your body and your mind will adapt progressively. Ask yourself how long it took you to get out of shape, and then commit to a program that is equal in length. Remember...this is a long term investment into yourself...your'e worth the commitment.
#3. Be an informed client. Do your due diligence and compare personal trainers. Hire your personal trainer with these criteria in mind.
Experience: In my opinion experience should be the greatest determining factor when choosing any professional in a service oriented business. I have met hundreds (if not thousands) of p.t.'s in my time as a trainer. The BEST trainers I know have gained most of their real (applicable) knowledge in the act of training. Education and continued education are certainly imporatnt factors, but remember this when you choose your trainer...degrees and certifications prepare you to be successful. However, what makes a good trainer great is the way that they apply the information they have accumulated.
Education & Certs: As I stated in the previous paragraph, certifications, education and continued education are important factors to consider when choosing a personal trainer. Your personal trainer's ability to understand the anatomy and how it functions is crucial to the success of your program. We all have different body types, so it's essential for p.t.'s to know how to manipulate your body effectively. The proper application of movements will ultimately determine how you redefine your body, and will also determine whether or not you maximize your time or incur unnecessary injury. There are generally three national certifications that are recognized in most corners of the fitness industry as the "cream of the crop"...ASM, ACE and NSCA. Although these three certs are recognized by most high end gyms and fitness programs across the country, it is not say that p.t.'s with other certs are not credible or qualified to assist you with your goals. Application, application, application!
Cost: How much your personal trainer costs you is obviously pertinent information. However...I placed cost at the bottom of this list because it should not represent the sole basis for your decision. Afterall...chances are real good that the mindset that says "cost above all" is probably what got you where you are. Your body is not a garbage disposal...and it should'nt be treated as such. I'm not asking you to spend money that you don't have. I'm asking you to do a better job of investing the money that you do have. The personal training industry functions similarly to the way that the food industry functions. You get exactly what you pay for. You can buy a .99 cheeseburger, but the only guarantee that we can offer you is that it's not 100% meat. You get what you pay for. Maybe its time for you to value your personal trainer / your body / your mind.
#4. Ask for testimonials & referrals. Good personal trainers have tons of testimonials from previous and current clients, and referrals should be easy to get. Satisfied clients are eager to share their experience with anyone who's willing to listen.
Always review testimonials and ask for two or three referrals before committing to a new trainer. If you were referred to a p.t. by a friend, then you might feel comfortable trusting that friends judgement. As confident as I am in my own business, I always insist that my clients don't simply take my word for it. Please feel free to talk to my clients (previous & current) and listen to what they have to say about my abilities as a professional trainer. For trainers there is no greater validation, and for prospective clients there is nothing more ensuring than a testimonial or a referral from someone who can relate to your position.
#5. Always go through a physical assessment before you make a commitment to work with any personal trainer.
The assessment is the tool that effective trainers utilize to distinguish themselves. Most p.t.'s don't have advertising budgets, so this one hour (sometimes more) meeting is a p.t.'s advertising ground. The assessment is an invaluable tool because it allows for two very imporatnt things to take place. First, it provides you (the prospective client) with the opportunity to interview the p.t. If you intend on working with a p.t. for 3 to 6 months, you should like him/ her. The p.t. / client relationship is no different than any other social relationship. We have to have trust, respect and effective communication; and ideally we should get along...at least well enough to function effectively! Second, the assessment gives the p.t. the opportunity to determine your physical and psychological readiness. Although most p.t.'s are not certified to psychologically assess clients, after several years in the industry we begin to gain a better understanding of the general psyche of clients. The assessment also provides the p.t. with the information that is necessary to design an effective program for clients. Compiling pertinent information about the client and applying it effectively is what distinguishes great trainers from everyone else. You will know that you have made the right decision for yourself at the conclusion of your assessment.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Santa made this stuff... fer real, he did!

Aight, I'm not going to lie to you- no, these little beauties are not vintage OR antique. BUT, they are absolutely delightful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Birds that have been artfully covered in glitter...(???!!!???!!!)... need I say more? Makes me wonder what else I could cover in glitter... ornaments, garland, my Christmas Eve outfit. Would that be too much? Uh, Michael...?

Wait a second, I need to breath! I LOVE this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT! There are all sorts of mirrors out there, but nothing as classy as this little piece. I seriously love it, really. If this were a different world, I might have to marry it. Ok, that might be weird, but you get my point! Its so purdy, right?!?!
Ok, I lied. THIS is my new lover [you got's some competition JD ;-) ]. Isn't this friggin fantastic! Ok, ok, hold on, let me explain: this trunk is the most wonderful bluey silver color with wear spots of soft beige, BUT it is not painted or died, oh no. It is the most delightfully time worn cow hide ever! And, the bits of detail that you see trimming it AND the initials on top are made with original nailheads! Oooooh... I love, I live, I die for it.

You MAY have to fight me for this one. This infant of Prague is SO my new BFF! Really, I was like talking with him and we were brushing eachothers hair- no we weren't. But I do think he is just the best! He's larger than most (24ish inches tall) and less gaudy- which normally I dont like, but in his case works. Anyway, he's SO my favorite baby Jesus, like ever!

I thought about bringing this piece home and putting it next to my bed. Its a holy water font for those of you who cant figure it out. And, NO that's not why I wanted to place it there (get your mind outa the gutter, fer shame!)- I wanted it because it's THAT lovely- I needed to sleep next to it! Buuuut, it didn't fit in the space that I had- le sigh. But that means that you are lucky enough to have a chance at it. LUCKY YOU!
Ok, so there you go. Yawn, Im sleepy, I gotta get some rest, Im beginning to love these things more and more- Im spending way too much time treasure hunting! But Im addicted. Whats a gurl to do?
Monday, December 7, 2009
Everybody chant with me,
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Beef stew for you.
- G
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Bing bling-a-ling
i'm out on the road right now BUT...
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
“I’ve been gone for a minute now back with the jump off!”-Lil Kim
I apologize for the lack of posts recently. I moved and I was mourning the loss of my favorite city. I’ve moved on to bigger and better things, San Francisco will never be the same without me. (Ooops did I just say that…O well it’s the truth)
Before I go any further I need to discuss something that’s been bugging me.
I thought everyone received the memo about NEVER wearing those things in public. I will admit I feel victim to the trend, but after I seen a photo of me in them, I never wore those things again. I’m beginning to notice more and more people wearing them on the streets. Please stop. I can’t believe the amount of beautiful people I see schlepping around town in Uggs.
Those things should only be worn to take out the trash or to the emergency room. God forbid you run into an ex while your wearing them. Do you want your ex to see you looking…comfortable? I would hope not.
And now I can exhale.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
All I want for Christmas is a set of ABS!
FINALLY, he is officially here! Ladies and gents, I give you, Rance Hayes- Personal Trainer and fitness extraordinaire!!!
My name is Rance Hayes. I am a 32 year old trainer / motivator. For the past 5 years I have been the sole owner / operator of the Bay Area's best unknown mobile training business...Constant Elevation PT. I have worked with clients throughout the Bay Area (from Napa to San Jose) that range from general population clients looking to lose weight & burn body fat, to athletes and CEO's who are looking to increase their effectiveness in their respective arenas. As a functional trainer, I specialize in reconditioning people from the inside-out. I believe in the transference of energy and the proven science of exercise. My intention is to redefine the way that we percieve exercise (life) and personal trainers (preventative health care specialists). Today we are in the midst of not one, but several health epidemics...obesity, diabetes, and the number one killer of us all...heart disease. As a society we have effectively abandoned sound / tested / proven training techniques for great marketing. We have fallen in love with the illusion of monetary "wealth" and we have lost the truth that derives from true wealth (optimal health). What I provide my clients with is a clear path to discovering their own truth. For me...fitness is the foundation for everything that we do in life. When we exercise most of us aim to enhance our physical strength & increase our cardiovascular capacity. Whether you realize it or not, when you exercise you also stimulate the neurons in your brain. This means that you litterally function at a higher level when you exercise. With that said, my Elev8d training program emphasizes conscious movement. Their are six primary components in the Elev8d training program that ensure that my clients achieve their fitness goals and more importantly; learn how to yield optimal and sustainable results...Psychology, Optimal Food Intake, Proper Supplementation, Resistance Training, Cardiovascular Training, and Flexibilty. I utilize an integrated training approach that includes pilates, yoga, traditional strength training, high intensity circuit training, plyometrics, interval training and more. Not unlike Buddhism, I believe that there are many different paths to the same solution. What is most imporant is that we learn how to maximize our efforts every single time we train by using the tools that we have already been provided. We are ALL massive compilations of atoms...sources of infinite potential energy! I believe that our purpose is to learn how to harness our own infinite potential energy, so that we can function at our greatest potential and fulfill our purpose. Whether your purpose is to be a professional athlete, the next president or just to be the strongest, sexiest person around, I will provide you with all of the tools that you need to not only achieve your goals effectively, but also to become self -sufficient. Constant Elevatin: personal training for people that understand the value of optimal health.
Now ladies (aww who are we kidding, and men for that matter!) calm down and keep it sexy; he's married. In fact he's a true family man. But not the shlubby, inner-tube waisted, soccer daddy type (not that there is ANYthing wrong with shlubby, inner-tube waisted, soccer daddy types- I mean I know and love many. You know what I say, there's a lid for every pot...), not by a mile! As you can see, Rance practices what he preaches and walks his talk, ooor something like that, whatev, you get the idea. And, now he's here to help give you some pointers on how you might be FG fantastic like him! I will, of course hit him up as often as possible and try to squeeze as many nuggets of information out of him on how to achieve buns-o-steel, washboard abs, toned and tight arms, etc etc etc- because, lets face it, as much as we may tell ourselves otherwise, nothing feels as good as when we are comfortable in our own skin. And, really, how can anyone be confortable in skin thats just too big or too small for them? So, here's to the rapidly appraoching end of 2009 and bodies that dont fit us AND... my Christmas abs, cheers!